What updates /usr/ports/UPDATING?

I'm getting back to basics because I haven't done all this in so long and building a system from scratch. I've always used net/cvsup and ports-mgmt/portupgrade and all that to do my ports upgrading so I'm trying to modernize and streamline everything a bit.

I've forgotten what updates /usr/ports/UPDATING. I did csup(1) to get the ports and make fetchindex but I'm not sure UPDATING is updated through all that. Doesn't csup(1) do that?
drhowarddrfine said:
... so I'm trying to modernize and streamline everything a bit.

Then you want to stop using csup(1) to update the ports tree, and switch to using portsnap(8) instead. It's much quicker. Especially if you configure a weekly cronjob to do the "fetch". Then it's just a "portsnap update" whenever you want to apply the already downloaded update. :)

And switch to ports-mgmt/portmaster instead for keeping your installed ports updated.
Yeah. I knew I would be using portsnap but wanted to get a few things straight in my mind first. I'm using portmaster, too.
drhowarddrfine said:
Yeah. I knew I would be using portsnap but wanted to get a few things straight in my mind first. I'm using portmaster, too.

Been using portsnap since its introduction. It's a proper solution for various reasons. It's worth using.