vbox Vmbox not working in 13.0

Hello everyone,

I try my best to make Virtualbox-ose work on a VM (in VirtualBox on Windows, intel CPU) before trying it with a native install of FreeBSD on real hardware.
but I encounter a problem with Qt

Brand new install of FreeBSD 13.0, I first tried to install virtualbox-ose from ports, the install takes a day and there were a few errors during it,
But the biggest problem remains Qt plugin. Fatal error.
I tried to upgrade the plugin with
pkg upgrade -f qt5-gui,
it installed a newer version, I rebooted, but still not working.

I erased the vm and started a new one, new install of FreeBSD 13.0, and this time I tried to install by pkg install virtualbox-ose and guest additions and I modified rc.conf etc...
Still the same problem with Qt...

I also tried again, with a new VM and KDE installed before trying to install Virtualbox.
pkg install nano sudo kde5 sddm xorg xf86-video-intel

vi/etc/rc.conf (sddm_enable="YES", hald_enable="YES", bus_enable="YES", and add
visudo (username ALL ...)
then virtualbox from ports and from pkg, then upgrade qt5…
Same result.

I read everything I found on internet, nothing seems to be working.
Any idea ?

I can post logs, STDOUT, everything needed.
I work at school on a Fbsd project and need Vbox (or bhyve) to be working (at least in commands) with linux VMs

Thank you very much in advance for your help guys.
You never mention WHICH error you get "with Qt"? VirtualBox is working just fine here on 13.0-RELEASE-p4.
pkg upgrade ok
I'll send the error in a minute


  • 1-pkg upgrade.PNG
    1-pkg upgrade.PNG
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it's FreeBSD 13.0 last Release
I just re-installed virtualbox-ose + virtualbox-ose-additions
add vboxguest_enable="YES" and vboxservice_enable="YES" in rc.conf
add my user to wheel (pw groupmod wheel -m theophile)
then reboot


  • rcconf.PNG
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it's FreeBSD 13.0 last Release
Post the output from freebsd-version -uk.

SirDice, what do you want me to write in the shell with freebsd-update ?
Update the system with freebsd-update fetch install. That should make sure you're on the latest patch level. Then reboot to make sure the newer kernel is active.

The picture you posted shows you're trying to run a GUI/X application from the shell. That's not going to work and that's the error you're seeing. The error is telling you there's no DISPLAY to connect to. That's is an Xorg session it needs to connect to to show its GUI interface.


freebsd-version -uk :

I'm on freebsd-update fetch install, then I'll reboot
freebsd-update fetch install # ok
reboot # ok
pkg install xorg # ok
Shoud I add kern.evdev.rcpt_mask=6 in /etc/sysctl.conf ?
oh waouhh.. it's running now.
I never startedx before :-D...

Debian working.
Thank you so much SirDice.

I go on exploring

Topic Solved

Next time, try bhyve.