vm-bhyve ipv6 hetzner

I want to setup a vm with a public ipv6 address.

Trying on an old laptop where i installed FreeBSD 14 und vm-bhyve. The host gets an ipv6 from my internet router.
Then i create a vm

$ vm init
$ vm switch create public
$ vm switch add public em0
$ vm iso http:.../debian-12.iso
$ vm create myguest
$ vm install [-f] myguest debian-12.iso

and configure a static ip inside:


auto enp0s5
iface enp0s5 inet6 static
address 2003:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::3/64
autoconf 0

This is working fine. I can ping external ipv6 from within the vm and can ping ...::3 from my lan.

But when i transfer this setup to a server at hetzner it won't work, because hetzner does not allow other mac addresses on outgoing traffic.

Now I'm stuck. What options do i have? What would be the right way to run a bhyve-guest with a public ipv6 (at hetzner)?

Thanks in advance.