/usr/ports/make index - Fatal errors encountered !?

[FreeBSD 14.0] It was told, to fetch the ports from git repository I have to do the following (without "--branch main", because its the default):
git clone --branch main https://git.freebsd.org/ports.git /usr/ports

But there is now, before doing it with portsnap fetch extract no more an index file, so I should have to do:
make index
I have done. The result:
make[4]: "/usr/ports/vietnamese/urwvn/Makefile" line 39: Cannot open /usr/ports/vietnamese/urwvn/../../chinese/ttfm/Makefile.ttf
make[4]: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
===> vietnamese/urwvn failed
*** [describe.vietnamese] Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports
1 error

ll /usr/ports/vietnamese/urwvn/../../chinese/ttfm/
gnuls: cannot access '/usr/ports/vietnamese/urwvn/../../chinese/ttfm/': No such file or directory

/usr/ports/vietnamese/urwvn/Makefile" line 39
less /usr/ports/vietnamese/urwvn/Makefile
--> 39 .include "${.CURDIR}/../../chinese/ttfm/Makefile.ttf"

ll /usr/ports/vietnamese/urwvn/../../
there is no directory /chinese
in /usr/ports find ./ -name chinese
--> ./cad/chinese


I have changes the Makefile to
.include "${.CURDIR}/../../cad/chinese/ttfm/Makefile.ttf"

One step further but then the same in

Who should correct this failure?
cd /usr/ports/vietnamese

find ./ -type f -exec grep -n -H '/../../chinese/' {} \;
./vietunicode-hannom/Makefile.ori:27:.include "${.CURDIR}/../../chinese/ttfm/Makefile.ttf"
./vietunicode-trichlor/Makefile:35:.include "${.CURDIR}/../../chinese/ttfm/Makefile.ttf"
./vietunicode-web1/Makefile:24:.include "${.CURDIR}/../../chinese/ttfm/Makefile.ttf"
I changes every Makefile content from
.include "${.CURDIR}/../../chinese/ttfm/Makefile.ttf
# into
.include "${.CURDIR}/../../cad/chinese/ttfm/Makefile.ttf
Result done:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 45219522 März 12 23:12 INDEX-14

but I believe this is the wrong way ;)
This is a glitch in the ports tree, so the right way is to git pull from time to time unless building INDEX is fixed. It's easy to break it, as it recursively walks the whole ports tree, so any little makefile error in any port will break it. It will typically pop up pretty soon as some FreeBSD infrastructure is building INDEX, so fixes will be committed/pushed quickly.

But then, do you really need INDEX? AFAIK, it still has conceptual issues with flavors and gives partially wrong results for flavored ports. It has only a few use cases (e.g. searching ports with pkg). I personally never needed it, maybe you can just skip it as well...

edit: If you can live with an "even more wrong" INDEX (one built with all default port options, the same portsnap would have served you), you can skip the building and just download it with make fetchindex.
Update Friday 15 March
make index
Generating INDEX-14 - please wait..--- describe.accessibility ---
--- describe.arabic ---
--- describe.archivers ---
--- describe.astro ---
--- describe.audio ---
--- describe.benchmarks ---
--- describe.biology ---
--- describe.cad ---
--- describe.chinese ---
make[3]: don't know how to make describe. Stop
*** [describe.chinese] Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports
/usr/ports/chinese is now there
cd /usr/ports/chinese
ls -la
% -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1071 15 Mrz 15:39 pkg-plist
no Makefile...