Unable to use shares on NFS server

For some reason, I am suddenly unable to mount shares on my (FreeBSD) NFS server. It has been working fine for several months inspite of getting a different IP addressed from time to time. I am able to ssh into the server and have run service nfsd restart but am unable to connect, even after a reboot.

/dev/ada0s4a on / (ufs, NFS exported, local, soft-updates, journaled soft-updates)
devfs on /dev (devfs)
/dev/cd0 on /media/cd0 (cd9660, local, read-only) on /net (nfs)
map -hosts on /net (autofs)

root@X1:~ # ls -al /net
total 5
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  wheel   512 Nov  5 23:52 .
drwxr-xr-x  20 root  wheel  1024 Nov  5 23:52 ..

After starting up a different system, that one is able to mount shares.

What should I look for?

Is map -hosts on /net (autofs) the culprit here. It doesn't appear on the other system. Not sure where it comes from....
It may be but I don't understand why. Typically /net is used to mount all the shares from another machine.

slippy$ lf /net/cwsys
alt/        dsk02/        jails/        pb/        usr/
cwsys/        dsk03/        opt/        poudriere/    var/
dsk01/        export/        opt2/        t/

This way one could create a symlink called /dsk02, for example, pointing to /net/cwsys/dsk02 as if I had put it in fstab.

You can safely remove it. Though I suspect you might have some kind of loop, though I don't see why.

Talking about loops, my laptop can mount through automounter NFS shares it has exported to the rest of my network too.

slippy$ lf /net/slippy
alt/        jails/        opt/        t/        var/
export/        k/        opt2/        tank/
export3/    media/        poudriere/    usr/

What is your uname -vr? Mine is:

15.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 15.0-CURRENT #10 komquats-n266271-475fa8980008: Sun Nov 5 15:25:08 PST 2023 root@cwsys:/export/obj/opt/src/git-src/amd64.amd64/sys/BREAK
I don't know where this came from but it no longer displays now that /net is mounted properly.

map -hosts on /net (autofs)

Does anyone know where it comes from?
What is your uname -vr? Mine is:

15.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 15.0-CURRENT #10 komquats-n266271-475fa8980008: Sun Nov 5 15:25:08 PST 2023 root@cwsys:/export/obj/opt/src/git-src/amd64.amd64/sys/BREAK


I learned a while ago to avoid bleeding edge stuff unless I have a specific error fixed by a non RELEASE version. Besides, I keep reading on this forum that anything apart from RELEASE is not supported, so is off-topic.

I learned a while ago to avoid bleeding edge stuff unless I have a specific error fixed by a non RELEASE version. Besides, I keep reading on this forum that anything apart from RELEASE is not supported, so is off-topic.
As a developer I eat my own dog food. Developers should run 15-CURRENT. And my 15-CURRENT includes patches I have yet to commit and patches I consider personal, those I never intend to commit.

Except for maybe one hiccup per year I've had very little problem with running -CURRENT since 11-CURRENT and -STABLE since 5-STABLE. The 4.X-RELEASE series was the imputes to jump into -STABLE at the time and my src development pain could only be alleviated by switching from -STABLE to -CURRENT at the time. I've been pretty happy with both decisions at the time.

Back in those days an update was, after purchasing a FreeBSD CD or DVD (I have a box of them), wipe the disk clean and install afresh every time. There was no freebsd-update.

For most people I recommend 13.2-RELEASE. Maybe 12.4-RELEASE.

The vast majority of fixes will never make it to a "p" errata release.