Unable to Submit New Program Following Porter's Handbook

I wrote a small C program that I wanted to submit through the ports system as described through the Porter's Handbook. The process of writing the Makefile so it would run from make fetch to make install ended up successful and I started to try to submit the Makefile and pkg-descr files for the port through Submitting Ports as so:

# from /usr/ports/sysutils/mkrfile(the port name)
$ git add .
$ git diff --staged

Both steps work properly, so then:

# from /usr/ports/ (the handbook says "... please generate the .diff from the base of your ports tree.") :
$ git commit
$ git format-patch origin/main

But instead of generating a file of the form ${PORTNAME}.diff, I end up with 702 files of the form:
4 digit number - category - port names - string.patch.

Do I need to clean or resync my ports tree without the new port directory, recreate sysutils/mkrfile and resubmit with the files?
If you only have one commit, just do git format-patch HEAD~.
if you git format-patch otherbranch, you should get one file per commit difference between the current branch and otherbranch.
Is there a a reason for using git format-patch? Does git diff origin/main work?
Please, if you're working with git, use format-patch instead of a plain diff. It's much easier for the committer to apply for testing, you don't have to manually set the author, and if it already contains a good commit message, you can just use it (just adding some meta fields).

BTW, if you just want to submit a single commit, commit it locally and use git format-patch -1, this will create a single patch file of the latest commit.
Worth nothing that it's not a hard requirement though but you need to have your bugzilla account properly configured.
Of course it's not a hard requirement, any patch will be acceptable as long as it applies. Just saying, if you use git anyways, do us a favor and format your patch with git format-patch please 😉
If you only have one commit, just do git format-patch HEAD~.
if you git format-patch otherbranch, you should get one file per commit difference between the current branch and otherbranch.
This ended up working for me and producing a 0001-new-file-sysutils-mkrfile-Makefile.patch that I'll use to submit the report. Marking it solved, thank you all!