Thinkpad P14s Gen 3 (12th Gen Intel i7-1260P)

Can't see why you're showing hw.acpi.reset_video here ("Call the VESA reset BIOS vector on the resume path"). No reason it would be set (1) though you can set it for some resume issues. here, where setting .brightness works. It's read-only once set.

If any program can control brightness, it's just a matter of finding out how it's being done. Do you have Mate source code?

Does the Mate applet need hw.acpi_video to be loaded? If not, it's something different.

But if so, does (as root) setting sysctl or 30 or 70 work?

Another thing to note is that has values '100 100 0 1 2 3 ... 97 98 99 100' so even if your FnF5/F6 keys work they may only inc/dec value by 1 at a time, virtually unnoticeable.

I can't find it just now, but I found a script that a) uses devd notifies to hook the FN keys and b) inc/decreases brightness by 5 or so per press. I'll report here if I find it - but it does need to poke
Just to explain that no other OIDs related to shows up for me.

For mate applets, if you have ports tree in hand, `make fetch` on x11/mate-applets will download related source archives.
And it worked even after invoking `kldunload acpi_video`.
on i3wm brightness usually done torugh i3 config file:

bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec brightnessctl s 5%-
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec brightnessctl s +5%

So maybe try install i3wm and see if it works or just have a look maybe some sort of script is possible.
xorg-xbacklight maybe will help ?
on i3wm brightness usually done torugh i3 config file:

bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec brightnessctl s 5%-
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec brightnessctl s +5%

So maybe try install i3wm and see if it works or just have a look maybe some sort of script is possible.
xorg-xbacklight maybe will help ?
With mate-applets, brightness seems to be get / set via D-Bus.

Sorry, I am not at all familiar with Gtk / D-Bus programming. What I could understand here is that brightness applet commumicates with something via D-Bus proxy.