Sound volume doesn't stay

Every time I started the FreeBSD10.1 on my desktop, the volume is so low that I can barely heart it. I have to turn up the volume through alsamixer and adjust the Master/PCM levels etc.

How to save the sound settings and keep it from one session to next?
mixer(8) is the native command. It saves the settings on shutdown and restores them on startup. Those settings might not be saved if a different program is used, unless it has been made to work with the FreeBSD system. xfce's Audio Mixer seems to do the right thing, for example.
mixer(8) is the native command. It saves the settings on shutdown and restores them on startup. Those settings might not be saved if a different program is used, unless it has been made to work with the FreeBSD system. xfce's Audio Mixer seems to do the right thing, for example.

$ mixer
Mixer vol is currently set to 100:100
Mixer pcm is currently set to 100:100
Mixer speaker is currently set to 75:75
Mixer line is currently set to 97:97
Mixer mic is currently set to 16:16
Mixer cd is currently set to 75:75
Mixer rec is currently set to 75:75
Mixer igain is currently set to 0:0
Mixer ogain is currently set to 50:50
Mixer line1 is currently set to 75:75
Mixer phin is currently set to 0:0
Mixer phout is currently set to 100:100
Mixer video is currently set to 100:100
Recording source: mic
These settings should be saved automatically without me doing anything?
You setup is more complex with the alsa and its linux wrapper. The native FreeBSD mixer settings can be set at boot with an entry in

I do not use linux wrappers but if it outputs through the native FreeBSD sound driver, then this would also modulate the sound level.
Will the systcl hw.snd.vpc autoreset=0 command cure this illness as well?
% sysctl -d hw.snd.vpc_autoreset
hw.snd.vpc_autoreset: automatically reset channels volume to 0db
Add it to /etc/sysctl.conf
9 years later, this still works and fixed the issue for me. cpm@ thank you. (I see you were last here in 2019, so I doubt you'll see it, but your solution still works.)