qemu image problem with portsnap and freebsd-update

I created a qemu FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE system to compare with another physical system I manage. The virtual system is under a Linux host, which is configured with a tap network device. ip_forward and proxy_arp for host network device and tap are enabled. In host, I added the route
route add -host dev tap2

In the FreeBSD guest, the network is configured manually, I can access the Internet and ping works with IP numbers as well as with DNS lookups. So far, so good. As an example:

traceroute isc.portsnap.freebsd.org
finds the server as as portsnap.isc.freebsd.org

The problem is that when I try to use portsnap or freebsd-update, they find the mirrors, but then fetching fails. What am I missing?