Solved Project : replace the linuxulator with several embedded / backgrounded bhyve vms (*BSD + Linuxes) that use virGL + X Forwarding,maybe Wayland...


I want to boot a bhyve vm that does not produce any error message or warnings on the screen and that it stays in background. This is how I launch my Linux vm :

bhyve -S -c sockets=2,cores=2,threads=2 -m 8G -w -H -A \
-s 0,hostbridge \
-s 1,virtio-blk,/mnt/zroot2/zroot2/bhyve/img/Linux/Ubuntu2304.img,bootindex=1 \
-s 11,hda,play=/dev/dsp,rec=/dev/dsp \
-s 13,virtio-net,tap19 \
-s 14,virtio-9p,sharename=/ \
-s 30,xhci,tablet \
-s 31,lpc \
-l bootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_UEFI_CODE.fd \
vm0:19 > /dev/null &

I've thought that > /dev/null means that every message produced by the script would disappear,but,instead,it produces the following messages that I want to suppress :

marietto@marietto:/bhyve # wrmsr to register 0x140(0) on vcpu 0
wrmsr to register 0x140(0) on vcpu 2
wrmsr to register 0x140(0) on vcpu 4
wrmsr to register 0x140(0) on vcpu 6
wrmsr to register 0x140(0) on vcpu 1
wrmsr to register 0x140(0) on vcpu 3
wrmsr to register 0x140(0) on vcpu 5
wrmsr to register 0x140(0) on vcpu 7
rdmsr to register 0x64e on vcpu 1
rdmsr to register 0x34 on vcpu 1
rdmsr to register 0xc0011029 on vcpu 7
Unhandled ps2 mouse command 0xe1
Unhandled ps2 mouse command 0x0a
Unhandled ps2 mouse command 0x01
Unhandled ps2 mouse command 0x41
Unhandled ps2 mouse command 0x88
rdmsr to register 0x64d on vcpu 5
rdmsr to register 0x64d on vcpu 0
at this point it hangs.

I should press a key to have the ability to write again on the terminal. I don't want it. Someone can help me to refine the script ? thanks.
Solution :

nohup /usr/sbin/bhyve -S -c sockets=2,cores=2,threads=2 -m 8G -w -H -A \
-s 0,hostbridge \
-s 1,virtio-blk,/mnt/zroot2/zroot2/bhyve/img/Linux/Ubuntu2310.img,bootindex=1 \
-s 11,hda,play=/dev/dsp,rec=/dev/dsp \
-s 13,virtio-net,tap19 \
-s 14,virtio-9p,sharename=/ \
-s 30,xhci,tablet \
-s 31,lpc \
-l bootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_UEFI_CODE.fd \
vm0:19</dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
if test -f nohup.out; then rm -r nohup.out
My goal is to to replace the linuxulator with a bhyve linux vm that looks like the interaction that we have with the linuxulator. In this way I've "created" an improved version of the Linuxulator,since it works better. There could be further improvements,like the usage of VirGL to reduce the latency and enable the 3D acceleration,without using the real GPU. I'm also thinking to create a custom FreeBSD flavour based on multiple embedded vms (powered by different OSes,like OpenBSD,NetBSD and some Linux distros) that use virGL with the X forwarding. Not sure if the usage of wayland will improve this kind of setup,instead of using x11.