Solved Postfixadmin and FreeBSD 13.2

your mysql is nor running. Start the mysql service with service mysql-server start then check if it's running service mysql-server status and if it's not check the mysql error log.
Iyou are right mysql-server is not running The only log I can find reacted to mysql is gibberish. Going back through the steps here on day 6
ok I have php and mysql-server up and operating. if I log in to postfix admin as postfix I get the internal server error which as you stated before is a a different error. I do have a url sort of resting my only to the ip and not the server name. Oh well been at this desk for 5 days I need several beers
didnt even enter my mind yep bunch of dynamic library errors lime. .

PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '' (tried: /usr/local/lib/php/20200930/ (Cannot open "/usr/local/lib/php/20200930/"), /usr/local/lib/php/20200930/ (Cannot open "/usr/local/lib/php/20200930/")) in Unknown on line 0
and mysql-server is down again.. now tryin the manual restarts of mysql-server again
I am sort of using the forum as a note pad and I apologize but it may help there lost soul like me

did the mysql-server magic.

and it is running

php is running. sort of

apacher log shows bunch of dynamic library errors like

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ''

so I am back on track about postfixadmin

my postfixadmin url gets to postfix but only if I use the IP

I get a logon screen which I am not sure who the user iand pwd is

if I use postfix. I got sn

Internal Server Error

and my mail is still dead based on the following error (which I had been told running postfixadmin would fix

postfix/cleanup[15606]: warning: proxy:mysql:/usr/local/etc/postfix/ lookup error for ""
Ok. mysql is happy. and my mail is back. postfix and dovecot are happy. My PHP is so so and although I did not specify (toe the best of my knowledge the loading of any extension) with the following error

php is running. sort of

apacher log shows bunch of dynamic library errors like

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ''

back to the original subject

all of my attempts to bring Postfixadmin using the alias with or my IPs or server names
gives me the

Internal Server Error

on the bright side after 5 days I am back but posfixadmin. would be nice to have
done. . I get something about it going EOL next week. But that is next week. Error messages gone. Instead of the
Internal Server Error.
I am getting the good old old fashioned

Probably a typo or something that I can chase down

Appreciate all theme an patience. Id buy you a beer but we are in different time zones!
Updated FreeBSD and installed.. Later I will handle the forbidden with a typo hunt

thanks again
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