Solved pool stuck on resilvering, even after drives detached

I have a pool that was doing a never ending resilver. So I detached the resilvering drives, I only use mirrors. So now the pool has no redundancy. I want to scrub it to clear a permanent error before I re-attach the second set of drives to each vdev. But it says it's resilvering, so I can't do a scrub. But it can't be resilvering!

See output below, it tells all:

[root@beastie1 ~]# zpool status -v newdata
  pool: newdata
 state: ONLINE
status: One or more devices is currently being resilvered.  The pool will
  continue to function, possibly in a degraded state.
action: Wait for the resilver to complete.
  scan: resilver in progress since Thu Mar  5 08:07:24 2015
  2.87T scanned out of 3.62T at 971M/s, 0h13m to go
  52.6G resilvered, 79.41% done

  newdata  ONLINE  0  0  0
  label/array0disk0  ONLINE  0  0  0
  label/array0disk3  ONLINE  0  0  0
  label/array0disk6  ONLINE  0  0  0
  label/array0disk9  ONLINE  0  0  0
  label/array0disk12  ONLINE  0  0  0
  label/array0disk15  ONLINE  0  0  0
  label/array0disk18  ONLINE  0  0  0
  label/array0disk21  ONLINE  0  0  0

errors: Permanent errors have been detected in the following files:

[root@beastie1 ~]# zpool clear newdata
[root@beastie1 ~]# zpool scrub newdata
cannot scrub newdata: currently resilvering
[root@beastie1 ~]#
Oh, I just noticed that it is actually resilvering (or it thinks it is). The percentage resilvered is increasing. But I thought resilvering involved redundant drives, at least one. This is weird.
And the speed is strange, it's 1006M/s. I've never seen the speed go over 390M/s during a resilver on this hardware config.
Eventually it finished resilvering and the permanent error went away. I was then able to set off a scrub, to double check the pool is OK.