pkg_add -r xorg - Error

While attempting to install X using the command in the subject, I get the following error. Can anybody point me to a solution.

Error: Unable to get"long path left out"/i386/packages-8.0-release/Latest/xorg.tbz: File unavailable
 (e.g., file not found, no access)
Ok, I just manually walked the directory tree down to /pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386 and found that /packages-8-0-release does not exist. However /packages-8-stable does exist. Is it possible to direct pkg_add to work to the existing directory?
ports-mgmt/portmaster ftp/ncftp3 ... the former can use PACKAGESITE in its .portmasterrc OR portmaster.rc (unsure which works ) in /usr/local/etc , once edited, OR you can alias (in your shell login file) ncftp(3) to go to that directory, thence
 >cd www
etc to download packages if they exist. (Don't know the answer to your question directly). (Easier ways may exist, I've left out a few maybe)

A possible portmaster solution:
portmaster -d -B -P -i [FILE]category/port[/FILE]
, the -P means use packages if available and current. (using the PACKAGESITE above.)
mteel said:
Ok, I just manually walked the directory tree down to /pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386 and found that "/packages-8-0-release" does not exist. However "/packages-8-stable" does exist.
Is it possible to direct pkg_add to work to the existing directory?

% man pkg_add | less -pPACKAGESITE