Operation not supported by device

I have a stack of old IDE 2.5" laptop drives from which I would like to retrieve data and hopefully store it on my FreeBSD system. Most, if not all the drives are formatted NTFS, but I can't mount any of them on FreeBSD.

The mount command always returns

mount -t ntfs /dev/da0s1 /mnt/disk
operation not supported by device

Windows always manages to mount the discs somehow...so I'm wondering why FreeBSD can't.

I'm connecting the drives via an external USB caddy which Windows identifies as a USB to IDE Bridge.

Any suggestions as to where the problem lies or what to test?
Didn't we just cover this in the other thread?

Use file -s /dev/da0s1 to verify that the partition is actually an NTFS filesystem.
Load the fuse device.
Install sysutils/fusefs-ntfs.
Use ntfs-3g -o ro /dev/da0s1 /mnt to mount it.