Nvidia MX 2 - no video acceleration

Hello, everybody.

As a beginning user of BSD, I have installed it on my computer, which is quite older, but it can play 720p videos without stuttering. I have installed it on my desktop, with oldest nvidia graphics drivers because newer do not support my card. But I was suprised how my system was sluggish. With top I have discovered that graphics is rendered by processor. I tried uncommenting lines in my xorg.conf, I tried nv and Nouveau drivers, but acceleration is not working.

Does anybody know a solution to this?

(Sorry for bad English, I am from Slovakia.)
If you want accelerated graphics with an NVidia card you will have to install one of the binary NVidia drivers.

Nouveau might work but I've never used it.
The ones in the ports tree, which install binary drivers from nvidia.com.