Other NTFS-3G can not mount

Hello to every one

Thanks in advance to all person who read this post.

I am having issues when I try to mount a HDD with NTFS, I HDD recently formatted in NTFS in a Windows machine, when I connect this HDD in another Windows machines I don't have any trouble and I can eject without any trouble, NTFS-3G tell me all the time this the NTFS partition have problems and NTFS-3G only mount the partition after I use ntfsfix.

Thanks very much and my best regards.
  1. First, gotta make sure that sysutils/fusefs-ntfs is installed by running pkg info fusefs-ntfs.
  2. Then, run kldstat | grep fuse
  3. If step 2 comes up empty, run (as root) kldload fusefs.ko
  4. To make it survive across reboots and load by default, add a line to /etc/rc.conf: kld_list="fusefs.ko"
You don't say what kind of issues it indicates when unmounting.
Check if Windows Fast Startup is interfering, I don't know if it applies to external drives, or if you have issues with dirty bit.