IPF Need help with ippool.conf error

I am using ipf(8) on a machine running FreeBSD 13.0 (RELEASE-p5 #0 releng/13.0-2646dd665: Mon Jan 3 08:34:08 CST 2022). I am attempting to update the ipf rules using address pools but have an error that I cannot find a solution for.

From the man page ippool(5) an address pool can be defined either of two ways:
table role = ipf    type = tree number = 100
           {;; !; ef00::5/128; };

       For the sake of clarity and to aid in managing  large  numbers  of  ad-
       dresses    inside    address    pools, it is possible to specify a location to
       load the    addresses from.    To do this simply use a     "file://"  URL     where
       you would specify an actual IP address.

       pool ipf/tree (name rfc1918;) { file:///etc/ipf/rfc1918;    };

       The contents of the file    might look something like this:

       # RFC 1918 networks

For maintainability and due to the number of entries in some of the address pools, I would like to use the second (newer) method. But when I copy the man page into files and attempt to load the pool, I get a syntax error

[root@firewall ~]# ls /etc/ipf/
total 16
drwx------   2 root  wheel   512 Sep 10 15:10 ./
drwxr-xr-x  28 root  wheel  2560 Sep  8 12:37 ../
-rw-------   1 root  wheel    64 Sep 10 15:10 ippool.conf
-rw-------   1 root  wheel   121 Sep  9 16:42 rfc1918

[root@firewall ~]# cat /etc/ipf/ippool.conf
pool ipf/tree (name rfc1918;) { file:///etc/ipf/rfc1918; };

[root@firewall ~]# cat /etc/ipf/rfc1918
# RFC 1918 networks
#   format from ippool(5) man page - 192... range corrected

[root@firewall ~]# ippool -f /etc/ipf/ippool.conf -dv
loadpoolfile: opts = 0x42
syntax error error at "file", line 1*-

Has someone had the same problem or can tell me how to fix this?
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