MySQL server refuses to start in jail


I installed the mysql55-server port in my jail and executed mysql_install_db. No problem so far. However, if I try to start the server with # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start, it simply says
Starting mysql.
and doesn't give me any error message, but when using mysqladmin or starting the CLI, MySQL complains that /tmp/mysql.sock isn't there - which indeed isn't.

My /tmp is a symlink to /s/tmp and I already tried # chmod 1777 <dir> on both /tmp and /s/tmp but I think that doesn't work with symlinks as # ls still shows
for /tmp.

Any suggestion on this issue? TIA.

i got the same problem some days ago ;)

It is a pity that the mysql_install_db script doesnt not set the right permissions NOR the mysql start script check the permissions NOR the mysqlserver self gives you a message about ... just "Starting mysql." and nothing more.

Could be annoying :)
User23 said:
It is a pity that the mysql_install_db script doesnt not set the right permissions NOR the mysql start script check the permissions NOR the mysqlserver self gives you a message about ... just "Starting mysql." and nothing more.

The "Starting mysql." is printed by the start script /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server.

The reason it prints nothing else is also in there:
command_args="--defaults-extra-file=${mysql_dbdir}/my.cnf --user=${mysql_user} --datadir=${mysql_dbdir} --pid-file=${pidfile} ${mysql_args} > /dev/null 2>&1 &"

Note the redirection of STDOUT and STDERR to /dev/null ;)

The most obvious place to look for errors is the mysql error log.
I checked /var/db/mysql/<hostname>.err and there was no single word about file permissions inside, just a message that MySQL wasn't able to open and lock the privilege tables.
What exact file permissions do I need to change? I am getting this same exact error but everything in my /var/db/mysql and the (three) files in it already are owned by mysql.