man page incorrect for ftpusers? Won't allow class

I am trying to create different classes of ftp logins using the native ftpd that comes with FreeBSD 7.4 using the ftpusers (5) file (/etc/ftpusers). When I try to set a user in the file, it is denying access when I try to ftp in.

From the man page:

"The syntax of each line is:
           userglob[:groupglob][@host] [directive [class]]


          directive  If ``allow'' or ``yes'' the user is allowed access.  If
                      ``deny'' or ``no'', or directive is not given, the user
                      is denied access.

In my ftpusers file I have this entry:

ftpuser1   allow

But when I log in, ftpuser1 is denied access. If I omit the entry, I can log in.

Is this feature documented in the man page, but not supported, or am I misinterpreting it?