Login for user doesn't work anymore

I did just install amavisd-new and Clamav plus all the related ports. Then all of a sudden I could not retrieve my emails anymore. I was searching for an hour for possible problems when I noticed that su - alex (alex is the username) doesn't work anymore.

The user is still in /etc/passwd and in /etc/master.passwd and I can also not just add it again with adduser.

What happened there and more important, how can I fix it? Thank you.
Please show exactly what error messages appeared when you tried to log in or su to that user. Bits are cheap, use plenty.
The message I get is:

su: unknown login: alex

The owner of the home directory got changed to:

drwxr-xr-x   4 1002    alex    512 Jan 30 23:32 alex

Which matches with the entry from passwd:

alex:*:1002:1002:User &:/home/alex:/usr/local/bin/bash
Well I could not delete the user alex either so I removed the user manually from passwd and master.passwd and was then able to add it again. The new added user also restored all permissions for /home/alex and now it is working again.

I still do not understand though why installing Spamassassin from the ports corrupts a user login.