Lock ARP to specified IP address

I have a PC router

I want to lock client's ARP to specified IP address so he can't change his IP ( if he change his IP manually, he will be blocked)

Is this will work ?
arp -s (IP/HOST) (ARP/MAC)
i think that doesn't work :D

i need your help :)
If there's a router between the machine you're running this on and the client it won't work.

Simplest solution would be to remove the privilege to change his/her IP address from the machine (e.g. remove their administrator access).
That should work...

Of course you'll need to save it in /etc/rc.conf so that it's restored at boot:

static_arp_pairs="blah bleh bloh"
static_arp_blah=" 11:22:33:44:55:66"
static_arp_bleh=" 22:33:44:55:66:77"
static_arp_bloh=" 33:44:55:66:77:88"
aragon said:
That should work...

Of course you'll need to save it in /etc/rc.conf so that it's restored at boot:

static_arp_pairs="blah bleh bloh"
static_arp_blah=" 11:22:33:44:55:66"
static_arp_bleh=" 22:33:44:55:66:77"
static_arp_bloh=" 33:44:55:66:77:88"

thanks for answering my question

Is that script same with arp -s command ? ;)
Keep in mind that it's rather trivial to change a MAC address on a machine.
superhil said:
thanks for answering my question

Is that script same with arp -s command ? ;)

that command should work. if you use -S rather than -s, any existing ARP entry for the host/client will be deleted first.