Xfce LibreOffice Zero-Size Window After Reopening Maximized Window (Solved)

Hi All,

Since the upgrade to libreoffice- and Xfce-4.16 the Office now opens a zero-size window after it was maximized and closed. Wrong window size data is saved into config after the window is maximized. Screenshot is attached. Really annoying. Does anybody know if it's a LibreOffice problem or an Xfce problem?

(Nearly) Same with Window Maker - so it is not caused by Xfce. Another player in this game might be the X server…

Edit #1: Nearly: Opens in some magic cases really small sizes.
Edit #2: My result differ if opened with a to open file, or with a blank window by just executing libreoffice.
Just tried wiping ~/.config/libreoffice/4. Didn't help.

These records appear in registrymodifications.xcu:

<item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Setup/Office/Factories/org.openoffice.Setup:Factory['com.sun.star.frame.StartModule']"><prop oor:name="ooSetupFactoryWindowAttributes" oor:op="fuse"><value>22,246322648,22,-9352;5;0,0,0,0;</value></prop></item>
<item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Setup/Office/Factories/org.openoffice.Setup:Factory['com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument']"><prop oor:name="ooSetupFactoryWindowAttributes" oor:op="fuse"><value>22,248209816,22,-9304;5;0,0,0,0;</value></prop></item>

Obviously, window pos/size values are wrong, but I have no idea where they're coming from.

P.S. Filed a bug report: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=152212
Just tried wiping ~/.config/libreoffice/4. Didn't help.

These records appear in registrymodifications.xcu:

<item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Setup/Office/Factories/org.openoffice.Setup:Factory['com.sun.star.frame.StartModule']"><prop oor:name="ooSetupFactoryWindowAttributes" oor:op="fuse"><value>22,246322648,22,-9352;5;0,0,0,0;</value></prop></item>
<item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Setup/Office/Factories/org.openoffice.Setup:Factory['com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument']"><prop oor:name="ooSetupFactoryWindowAttributes" oor:op="fuse"><value>22,248209816,22,-9304;5;0,0,0,0;</value></prop></item>

Obviously, window pos/size values are wrong, but I have no idea where they're coming from.

P.S. Filed a bug report: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=152212
It is my screen after wiping ~/.config/libreoffice/. I am using laptop and external monitor and on both are okay.


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