general/other Kubernetes Planternetes on FreeBSD?

Has anyone of you noticed that Tony Norlin seems to have ported Kubernetes to FreeBSD?

His GitHub repo also apparently provides binaries and source code; no attempt at making it a port, though I suppose this would be feasible based on this.

I admit, I'm no Kubernetes expert - anyone got any insights what this will allow us to do on FreeBSD? I suppose orchestrate bhyve vms and jails, maybe other hosts even?
I suppose orchestrate bhyve vms and jails, maybe other hosts even?
Not really, probably above will be restricted to some docker/lxc containerization dependency, but I am glad he did it!!!!

I will check it out

Thank for sharing!!!

Now if someone could work on Rancher ;) (this is the what's needed for management of the k8)