Konsole program missing

I have KDE4 installed...there was a terminal program called "Konsole" that was in the "systems" section which I used to be able to add to desktop or start by clicking it.

now it is gone, I can still start by typing the "run" command "Konsole" and it would pop one out. but I want to know how to add it back to the menu!

where did it go? it was there...

systems: freebsd 8.0-p2. KDE4 installed from ports. xorg7.x.

Not sure how to add it to your menu. Starting it from the command line such as from an xterm can often work, or from your .xinitrc. Did you look around the options screens for KDE for how to modify the menu?
Switch to another tty and run chsh. Choose csh.
It's dependent upon bash. You'll have to install bash if you want it to be your native shel environment.
It's not dependent on BASH. When you start Konsole, it uses your default shell.

If you use the menus/icons in Konsole to start new tabs/windows, one of the options is to start BASH. That's the only "dependency" on BASH in Konsole (regardless of which OS you install it on).

None of my systems have BASH installed (I'm a ZSH user), yet Konsole runs just fine, without any modifications.
I poked around for menu and nothing...but I did know what I did,now the desktop has an icon and it stays there after reboot...so as long as I do not remove it. it would be cool...in my previous installations sometimes terminal opens and closes quickly. I googled and found it was because of shell....but this has no error in log so it is different... default shell is tcsh.

another thing....why KDE allows shutdown and reboot of a non root user? I modifeid the kdm config and rebooted. still there. I tried today and it actually reboots...(screen says rebooted by root), but the menu/icon for reboot/shutdown are available for a regular user...(i disabled root from x login).
if you create a lancher icon on your desktop to open konsole?I don't use kde but if i could not find how to put it back on menu i was creating a lancher on desktop