KDE4 setup for web devel

My laptop needs to be serviced for a 2 weeks.
That is a problem as all PHP, mysql, graphic, css, xhtml, dev has been done on it(WinXP)

I use FreeBSD as server which serves created sites(production)

Now I am forced to use FreeBSD as a desktop too, for web dev.

First I've installed X, it worked.
Then I've went for KDE4, it also worked.

I've hopped Application > Development > Web Development
will be my gold mine, but hell, it isn't!
It is useles for me.

Now I need help from someone to tell me which apps would be excelent for me.

I need good text editor, which hihglights code, I've also installed opera.
No need for graphic now.

Just some app that would be aware of site(Apache virtual server) and it's tree and it's root and it's IP so I could see result in Opera asap.
dennylin93 said:
There's www/bluefish, but I'm not really familiar with it. I do most of my coding with editors/vim-lite.

Yes thanks, but one of those text editors is being trigered once I click on .php file inside that app.
I need something similar to win dreamweaver.
...some app that would be aware of site(Apache virtual server) and it's tree and it's root and it's IP...
For any software/web development I use Geany IDE (devel/geany). All graphics editing I do with gimp (graphics/gimp). Since I do not do any complex or extended work in www site development this might not be best solution for you.

Keep in mind that most windows tools like your mentioned Dreamweaver do fully work on FreeBSD when using soft layer windows emulation WINE (emulators/wine). You can search at http://appdb.winehq.org/ how well specific windows programs are supported by WINE.
Seeker said:
Now I am forced to use FreeBSD as a desktop too, for web dev.

Meh...I tried to resist commenting on this, but couldnt. Gave it much thought.

You should feel privileged you GET to run FreeBSD for a desktop. Just think if the developers, and other people that are hard at work writing and maintaining the code just stopped one day.

And I wont even say what I would like to about Dreamweaver, or editors that highlight code.
I like FreeBSD! ;)
Enough said.

It is just, that I can't install Photoshop CS4 on FreeBSD.
Unless there is a port for it!? :p
Seeker said:
It is just, that I can't install Photoshop CS4 on FreeBSD.
Why use Photoshop, when there's Gimp ?

And seriously, what more does one need for Web development, other than a text-editor and knowledge of (X)HTML of course :stud
I am not ready to use Win emulators on FreeBSD.
FreeBSD is machine that I use for serving of already created web projects.
mickey said:
Why use Photoshop, when there's Gimp ?
I've never used Gimp
And I already know how to use a Photoshop, learned through many video tutorials. Photoshop is also the most powerful tool in it's class.
mickey said:
And seriously, what more does one need for Web development, other than a text-editor and knowledge of (X)HTML of course :stud
My Web development extends to real coding.
I use text editor for PHP coding and MySQL.
XHTML and CSS are just for visual representation of data + some eye candy pics provided by photoshop.
Lastly, I linked those 2 worlds(layers), with AJAX tech(no more reloading of whole pages) :p
Yeah, wine look interesting option.
I would have to install whole Photoshop CS4 master collection, as Photoshop is just one part of it.

But graphic is now a least a problem.

I need some app., that would be aware of site(or few of them)(Apache virtual server) and it's web tree and it's root and it's IP, so I could see result in browser by a push of a button.