Intel integrated graphics


Retired from the forums
I have a few problems with this:
Edited xorg.conf to include modes "640x480" "800x600" and "1024x768" for both screens 0 and 1. Using the Fn +F3 to switch between LCD & CRT is necessary for each startx session. Chipset is a 82XXXGME. m I to include
in loader.conf or rc.conf- or a similar entry?
Or am I to leave xorg.conf alone?

Thanks for any and all help.
Well, I didn't really understand what your problem is, but yes you can try Xorg without a xorg.conf file (just rename it). You can always put it back if it doesn't work better without it.

Also when you set the mode in the Screen section, you must also set the DefaultDepth, e.g.:
DefaultDepth  XX
SubSection "Display"
    Depth XX
    Modes "YYYYxYYYY"

Why don't you set one mode only (e.g. 1024x768)?
AGP is enabled by default in the GENERIC kernel. There's no need to load it.
I have an Intel IGP 82945G/GZ. Works quite well, even though it only uses 8 MB off RAM. Runs okay without an xorg.conf, but creating one can optimise things nicely.