IDE HDD not detected in FreeBSD

Hi guys,

I am rebuilding my low power home server using a Via motherboard. The OS (FreeBSD duh?) sits on two USB microdrives. I have another microdrive I'd like to add to the system, it is Compact Flash that is recognized as an IDE hard drive.

The two USB drives are working A1; no problem at all. The other one is just not detected. The Bios detects it; FreeDOS can use it; FreeBSD bootloader sees it - anything that uses the BIOS sees it. The kernel just won't see it.

I am thinking that maybe this drive takes a bit more time to register itself to the controller. Is there an adjustable timeout setting I can play with for ATA drives detection (like SCSI bus has)? My two ATA controllers are there but empty. The BIOS reports CF microdrive detected as a master on the second ATA controller, the first controller being SATA.


It would be nice if you reported your FreeBSD version and submitted full verbose dmesg showing the problem.
Oh, sorry about that; I should have thought about this.

Here is a verbose dmesg (sorry, had to zip it); it does show some timeout on ata1 (which is the interface where the unrecognized drive is connected to).




    6.7 KB · Views: 170
If you have fresh 8-STABLE, could you please try to comment in file ata-via.c line:
pci_write_config(parent, reg - 0x08,timings[ata_mode2idx(piomode)], 1);
and rebuild the kernel?

If by "comment in" you ment what I'm used to say "comment out", I did what you asked and commented the whole
if ... pci_write_config
. I am attaching the resulting dmesg.

The HDD is still not recognized...




    6.6 KB · Views: 141
A verbose dmesg is too large to be attached in any other format than zipped.

And pastebin; never heard, just read about it; nice thing, I'll use it next time!

I have integrated your last patch on my 8-STABLE tree. As I can see, you are the right guy to talk to for this problem.

Maybe I can help you fix this issue (or at least understand what is happening). As you already know, it's a VX800 chipset. The FlashCard is connected to ata1 which is set to ATA66; ata0 will be used soon enough with SATA drives.

I am ready to work myself on this issue; the problem is that I don't know much about IDE/ATA hdd and even less about FreeBSD driver programming. If I can probe the ata1 bus manually in some way or just print out some more information in the logs to see what is happening. You know more about what I can do to help.

I'm not illiterate in regard to C code; I'm just not at a FreeBSD developper's level. I write HDL code, not C code.....

Anyway, let me know it I can be of any assistance.


I have no access to VX800 board. I've recently tested some older VIA chipsets and they were working fine. I have no idea what can be wrong here. But there is chance that having remote access to the system may help.