general/other How to fix stack smashing detected error with .deb application under linux compatibility

About 6 months ago I installed linux-brave using and then splashtop-business using apt and modifying the brave-wrapper scripts and it all worked. Then last week I upgraded brave and probably did pkg upgrade as well and broke splashtop. I reinstalled a newer splashtop and the old version that worked before and they run until I enter the 9 digit code then a window starts to open and then crashes, the command line output is stack smashing detected.
[11/21/23 12:26:32] [STB.I]:[Init] AudioDecoderCelt init success sample_rate: 44100, frame_size: 960
*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated
/compat/ubuntu/opt/splashtop-business/splashtop-wrapper: line 48: 44350 Aborted (core dumped) "$HERE/splashtop-business" "$@"

Using FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE
Currently trying Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) .. but I have tried quite a few other Ubuntu and Debian releases

I reinstalled both previous version of splashtop and current, several debootstrap with focal and focal sources and jammy, bullseye, bookworm ..etc etc and all the same where brave works but splashtop doesn't.

Is this a change in FreeBSD, the compatibility, or Splashtop .. seems to me since I am using the old Splashtop and compatibility release it has to be something either in debootstrap release version or FreeBSD itself.

Any pointers where to start or just give up? I use FreeBSD daily per choice but our company uses splashtop to assist customers.
I'm guessing some change in FreeBSD and the Splashtop executable was built without -zexecstack -fno-stack-protector -

Thanks in advance
For security features like this you often have a commandline switch or an environment variable to turn them off.