Solved how to exit from vm bhyve console ?

Dear all :
happy chinese lunar new year to every one. now i got a problem with vm bhybe console. I create fb14 vm in bhyve . when i use vm console connect it , i don't know how to exit from vm console . and from some books, i have saw "Use ~+Ctrl-D to exit the console and return to the host.". but i don't know how to input "~+Ctrl-D" to console . any friedns can help me , how to input "~+Ctrl-D" to console for exit from vm ?
example : login : ~+Ctrl-D , this is my input to console . not work .

other question. can i use putty to connect fb14vm ? how to configure it ? thanks.
thanks for all. i found it from much testing ...
1. you must enter or exit to " login: " prompt status . now don't input and touch key.
2. press "shift" + "~" two key in the same time . you will see "login:" still . now , don't input and touch any key in this time ..
3. press "ctrl" + "d" two key in the same time. now we got below face.

4. when you power off vm from vm console. you want to exist vm console . this solution is right too.

that is right to exit from vm console . willing to help people .