How to create an ext4 partition on FreeBSD

Not sure how well it works. I've only seen people having problems accessing ext3 or ext4.

Mounting ext3 shouldn't be a problem but you may have some issues with the inode size.
Mounting ext4 also shouldn't be a problem if you mount it as ext3 (but you lose the journalling).

But I really don't recommend using anything else but UFS or ZFS.
I had serious problems with ext4 on Gentoo linux 2 years ago. Kernel freeze several times while untar. Suspend/resume problems. The same computers had none of these problems with XFS. I would never use ext4 even on linux.
Mage said:
I had serious problems with ext4 on Gentoo linux 2 years ago. Kernel freeze several times while untar. Suspend/resume problems. The same computers had none of these problems with XFS. I would never use ext4 even on linux.

I use it on production machines and still not get a problem. I know ext3 has different issues, ext4 is much more better. By the way each file system has pros and cons. I would not recommend to use extX partition under FreeBSD unless not strictly necessary. fuse might help, but performances are not good enough for a deep use. This is my opinion, of course.
If you could advise why you want an ext4, we could suggest alternatives.
Are you trying to share a partition (like /home) with your linux distro?
If that's the case look int ZFS - a lot of posts on the forum on how to share with linux. Ext2 is also an option (has r/w) but ZFS is way better.
Beeblebrox said:
Ext2 is also an option (has r/w) but ZFS is way better.

I could be wrong, but after all Linux has support for ZFS via FUSE, so it is quite slow. I would not recommend using ZFS but it depends on how much is stable ZfsOnLinux.
Using it, no problems on the shared zfs.
Can't comment about performance on server setups, but then again servers don't dual-triple-boot.
Dajhorn ZFS seems to do a better job.