How do you save a compiler message and copy it?

I am using emacs to edit source files and clang++ to compile them. When I test a program it sometimes does not compile the first time and the error messages are displayed on the console. I can use scroll lock to view lengthy error reports, but I sometimes need to copy the exact errors and paste them into my email / newsgroup client program when I ask for help.

If I were using x windows, it would be to simply select, copy and paste what I wanted. But I am using only the console and need to know how to do this in a console only environment. So suppose I compile a simple program at the plain command prompt (not in emacs) and get a lot of errors. How can I copy the exact output to paste it into a console newsreader like alpine or emacs?
moused(8) lets the mouse cut and paste on the console. With a USB mouse, moused(8) is started automatically. For PS/2 mice, it must be run separately, usually with moused_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf.

There are other ways to capture things, like output redirection: make whatever > /tmp/whatever.log. More powerful versions vary, depending on the shell.

Also, there is script(1). Run it like script /tmp/log.txt to get a new session. Everything from that session is captured in that file. Everything, including control codes.
In tmux you can try copy mode: C-b [ (mode), C-r or C-s (search), C-@ or C-SPC (select), C-w or M-w (copy), C-b ] (paste). screen has similar mode but with vi-like keybindings. Unlike copying from xterm or via moused this method preserves formatting (except tabs) by undoing line-wrapping damage made by the underlying terminal.

Or use vidcontrol -HP </dev/ttyv0 and trim unrelated parts in your editor.