hardware value for pixel per inch

hi sirs,

i face a big problem for weeks now. i just want to know the valus of dot or pixel per inch of my graphics display card by some x utilities but i very new to this realm, X window programming.

would any helps or hints be appreciated and sorry for my broken english.

best regards,
Video cards have no concept of dpi.

Video displays do.

Thus, you need to find out the dpi of your monitor (number of vertical pixels / height of monitor in inches -- if the manual doesn't specify a value). Then configure your video card to use that value (via xorg.conf).
many thanks indeed for your times. i look for related informations in /usr/local/include/*.h and find bit per inch in Xlib.h instead.

you are quite right. my memories on this thing are very old.

please mark this thread as solved too.

best regards,