GELI-encrypted ZFS pools accessible without decryption?

Hello everybody,

I'm quite new to FreeBSD and I have a few questions on how to set[]up ZFS with GELI correctly. I try to find out how ZFS behaves after creation of one or more pools and then mix up the SATA connectors between the HDDs. Is it still possible to recreate a pool after that? How do I know which drive to change later when a pool degrades and so on? So I played around with 4 HDDs and before I mixed up the SATA cables I found another worrying thing. I have access to my pools even without decrypting and remounting the pools. So how is that possible?

Short story long: (Everything done on a fresh FreeBSD 10 installation via SSH client as a normal user and sudo installation from the ports tree):

I did the following:
  1. labeling
    # glabel label disc1 /dev/ada1
    # glabel label disc4 /dev/ada4
  2. encryption
    # geli init -b -l 256 -s 4096 /dev/label/disc1
    # geli init -b -l 256 -s 4096 /dev/label/disc4
  3. create single disks (only for the moment for some testing, later it will be a raidz1 of course)
    # zpool create tank1 /dev/label/disc1.eli
    # zpool create tank4 /dev/label/disc4.eli
  4. now I mounted tank1 - tank4 to /mnt/tank1 - /mnt/tank4
    # zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/tank1 tank1
    # zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/tank4 tank4
  5. after that I copied files with the S/N of the HDDs to each of the tanks (to check reimported discs after physical SATA port changing later)
    # echo "SN of the drive" > /mnt/tank1/file1
    # echo "SN of the drive" > /mnt/tank4/file4
  6. now I exported the pools and detached the disks with geli
    # zpool export tank1
    # geli detach /dev/label/disc1
    # zpool export tank4
    # geli detach /dev/label/disc4
  7. I powered the system off an on again without changing anything (SATA ports are still the same). Before decrypting an reimporting the disks I did a ls /mnt, expecting to see an empty folder but instead of that I can see tank1 - tank4 listed and I also can do cat /mnt/file and can read the serial[]numbers of the drives I put on it earlier, but I did not yet attached the drives with geli and did not yet reimported the pools with zfs import tank1 - 4 back.

How is this possible? Why do I have access to the pools and the content without decrypting the disks and reimport the pool first? I feel a little bit uneasy now wether this could happen to the raidz1 later too. Did I make some stupid beginner mistakes? How can I solve this issue?

Thanks for help