Full list of arguments for "make"

Hi everybody,
there are some very useful arguments for "make" that I know of:
$ make showconfig
$ make all-depends-list
$ make build-depends-list
$ make fetch-required-list
Now I'd need a complete list with all possible arguments.
Ideally this list would include a nice description for each argument,
so I can e.g. find out the difference between make-all-depends-list and build-depends-list.

Hope to find some help here.


PS: "man make" didn't help.
Those arguments are only valid for the ports system, they are not 'standard'. That's why there's nothing in the make man pages about this.

You can find them all when you read through the /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.* files. There are also quite a lot mentioned in the ports(7) manpage.
run $ sed -En 's/^([[:alnum:]_-]*):([^=].*|$)/\1/p' /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk | sort -u and you'll get all the available make targets for the ports system. OBVIOUSLY you're not supposed to test all of them (e.g. you don't want to run $ make do-install): you should read what they do in that same file