Delete user with special caracters

Hi all,

I have discover an existing user in my account list, but i can't deleted it with rmuser cause i dont see the exact name of the account.

When i look in /etc/group i saw that :


I didn't created it...

I try rmuser ^[^[^[ but that's not work too
I try remove line in /etc/group and in /etc/passwd

But that's not enought for deleted his acces.

Did someone have an idea ?

Thanks a lot
Thanks :e !

I deleted the lines with vipw, did the account will be inaccesible for this user in same case ?
If you have no idea how that rogue account was created, make sure you double-check your current security measures. It does look like a simple case of someone ending up in a dialogue and pressing the escape key to get out of it, but if that wasn't you .. find out who it was.

P.S.: in general, we frown upon deleting users. Deleting their accounts is usually punishment enough.
Or use pw(8) and delete by uid:

# pw userdel 1044 -r

The -r will make sure the home directory gets deleted too.

P.S. I very much like to seriously delete some users every now and then.
I mean DoD style, at least 5 full-on swipes across the forehead x(