cron is not sending mail for freebsd-update

Hi all

I have been slowly getting up to speed with FreeBSDs system of keeping up to date but I am having trouble receiving the output of [CMD=]freebsd-update[/CMD] by mail when I use it in [CMD=]crontab -e[/CMD].

Currently I have DutchDaemons in /usr/sbin and the following lines in [CMD=]crontab -e[/CMD].

1       3       *       *       *       freebsd-update cron
1       3       *       *       *       portupdater cron

I am forwarding mail intended for root to my external address.


The way it is I am able to receive mail generated by [CMD=]portupdater cron[/CMD] but not from [CMD=]freebsd-update cron[/CMD].

Can anyone see what am I missing?
This may be a silly question, but did freebsd-update found something new to download?

I don't use freebsd-update, but if i understand correctly from the man page freebsd-update(8):

cron	  Sleep a random amount of time between 1 and 3600 seconds,
	  then download updates as if the fetch command was used.  If
	  updates are downloaded, an email will be sent (to root or a
	  different address if specified via the -t option or in the
	  configuration file).	As the name suggests, this command is
	  designed for running from cron(8); the random delay serves
	  to minimize the probability that a large number of machines
	  will simultaneously attempt to fetch updates.

it sends an email only if it has downloaded something.
Yes, like he said it is true.

You can only receive an e-Mail if you have downloaded the update you wanted.

# But note!

- If you update, you should always get informated about the new update, cause sometimes it may crash your system if you have self-compiled your own kernel. It already happened to me, so take care of your lovely linux distributation, FreeBSD ;)