Console program with color output?

I am testing a console program written in C++. I want to adjust the output so that instead of the standard white text, I can make certain words appear in different colors. So for example, the following string will output each word in (for example) the following colours:

This is a test

This - appears as blue text
is - appears as red text
a - appears as green text
test - appears as yellow text.

Can anyone tell me what header files would I need to include doing this under the console? Alternatively, could you point me to a program that might have some useful code that achieves a similar effect? Note, I am not using X windows at all for this project.
neilms said:
I want to adjust the output so that instead of the standard white text, I can make certain words appear in different colors.
There's also devel/ncurses. Although for the sole purpose of colouring the output it's probably a bit too much (try the ANSI codes first), it's a useful library that you may want to use later for e.g. menus, TUIs and that sort of thing.
Keep in mind that if you want your output to be pipe friendly you have to detect if your program is not running on a TTY and disable any special characters that TTY would normally escape.
expl said:
Keep in mind that if you want your output to be pipe friendly you have to detect if your program is not running on a TTY and disable any special characters that TTY would normally escape.
Good point. You (=OP) may want to have a look at the source of e.g. ls(1) (-G option) to see how this is done.
expl said:
Keep in mind that if you want your output to be pipe friendly you have to detect if your program is not running on a TTY and disable any special characters that TTY would normally escape.

Or make the ANSI color output an option. I did that in textproc/igor. less(1) will show ANSI color codes if given the -R option.
wblock@ said:
Or make the ANSI color output an option. I did that in textproc/igor. less(1) will show ANSI color codes if given the -R option.

Can you show the function / code that:
1 - parse the command line argument &
2. -how it links to the ansi code?
neilms said:
Can you show the function / code that:
1 - parse the command line argument &

That depends on the language. igor is in Perl.

2. -how it links to the ansi code?

Look up the ANSI color sequence to use, print them out as characters.

% printf "\033[1;31mThis is red \033[1;34mand this is blue.\033[0;24;27m\n"
[color="Red"]This is red [/color][color="Blue"]and this is blue.[/color]
It's ok - I have a C++ solution that I found. It is quite simple really:
#include <iostream>
     using namespace std;
     int main (int argc, char const *argv[]) {
       const char COL_RESET[] = "\x1b[0m";
       // Foreground colors are in form of 3x, bacground are 4x
      const char RED[]     = "\x1b[31m";
      const char GREEN[]   = "\x1b[32m";
      const char YELLOW[]  = "\x1b[33m";
      const char BLUE[]    = "\x1b[34m";
      const char MAGENTA[] = "\x1b[35m";
      const char CYAN[]    = "\x1b[36m";
      cout << RED     << "Red looks good" << endl;
      cout << GREEN   << "Green looks good" << endl;
      cout << YELLOW  << "Yellow looks good" << endl;
      cout << BLUE    << "Blue looks good" << endl;
      cout << MAGENTA << "Magenta looks good" << endl;
      cout << CYAN    << "Cyan looks good" << COL_RESET << endl;
      cout << "This text should have the normal color" << endl;
      // American flag, ASCII style.
      cout << "\x1b[44m" << "*********" 
           << "\x1b[41m" << "=================" << endl;
      cout << "\x1b[44m" << "*********" 
           << "\x1b[41m" << "=================" << endl;
      cout << "\x1b[44m" << "*********" 
           << "\x1b[41m" << "=================" << endl;
      cout << "\x1b[44m" << "*********" 
           << "\x1b[41m" << "=================" << endl;
      cout << "==========================" << endl;
      cout << "==========================" << endl;
      cout << "==========================" << COL_RESET << endl;
      return 0;

As for the command line arguments - boost library offers ready made 'program_options' functions though C users might use gnu getopt.
neilms said:
As for the command line arguments - boost library offers ready made 'program_options' functions though C users might use gnu getopt.
They might not necessarily be mutually exclusive. For example, getopt(3) can also be used after certain x11-toolkits/libXt functions in order to first process X-specific options (e.g. -geometry) and then the rest. It wouldn't surprise me if boost options and getopt(3) can be combined too (when done right).