Xfce Cannot set SSDM login to UK keymap

I've installed XFCE with SDDM. I'm using a UK 105 keymap which is working correctly in terminal, desktop apps like notes etc. By correctly I mean " is shift + 2 and the @ is at the mid-right of the keyboard. However, this mapping isn't being applied to the initial login screen (but is to lock screen).

Is there an addition to some config file would have this keymapping respected at login?
Thank you for the above link. I'd already had a look in the documentation.
I've also tried adding the sddm language specification "en_GB" to the /etc/rc.conf with a reboot, but same issue.
From quickly glancing through the github issues for sddm I found this (and a few other reports on wrong language/keybindings that point to this bug)

it isn't terrible as an issue, easy enough to work around, but certainly a niggle and really doesn't feel like something that should merit effort in configuration.