Cannot login as normal user

Hi guys,

I'm still very new in learning FreeBSD. I've managed to install FreeBSD 9 on Virtual Box. I can login with no problem as root but I cannot get my normal user to login.

Anybody know why?

Thank you,

Did you create a user account? How did you do that? What's the error message you're getting?
Yes, I have created a user account and added it to the sshd group. I used adduser. I'm not gettin an error message. When I login as root I get the prompt
When I login as myuser I get the following

Also when using PuTTY, neither root or myuser work.

login as: root
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Forgot to say that root and myuser can connect with SFTP. Don't know if that adds any relevance or not.
Don't add your user to the ssh group. It doesn't do what you think it does.

Your screenshot shows everything is working and you are logged in.
The $ prompt means you're logged in as a regular user. The root login shows #. What are you expecting to see?
Cool, so how come I don't get the prompt like the root user?

Do you know why I cannot use PuTTY?