Connect to public wifi without password

I tried connecting to a public wifi system - there was no password requirement - there is however an authentication/agreement page that one needs to agree to and verify with email (works fine with a phone).

Accordingly I put in "NONE" for password management in the wpa_supplicant file along with the ssid of the network.

I was somehow able to ping only - other than that the pages in a browser or even pinging to another address did not work (after trying service netif restart multiple times)

Am I doing something wrong? How do I connect?
There are several recent threads, to connect to open networks you need to remove the WPA part in /etc/rc.conf.
ifconfig_wlan0="ssid your_ssid_here DHCP WPA"
I recently discovered that an empty block in wpa_supplicant.conf(5) will connect to an open network:
This will work even if you have "DHCP WPA" in your wlan config in rc.conf.

This block was created automatically for me by the 13.2-RC5 installation procedure. I was startled when it connected to a random Xfinity AP after I mistyped my wifi password.
There are several recent threads, to connect to open networks you need to remove the WPA part in /etc/rc.conf.
ifconfig_wlan0="ssid your_ssid_here DHCP WPA"
Thanks - so if I have to connect to multiple such networks in the future - all of them would require their own /etc/rc.conf lines seperately?

I'd be tempted to try what Jose mentioned - but I think it's far too insecure for the system to connect to possible honeypots with such settings.
Thanks - so if I have to connect to multiple such networks in the future - all of them would require their own /etc/rc.conf lines seperately?

I'd be tempted to try what Jose mentioned - but I think it's far too insecure for the system to connect to possible honeypots with such settings.
Yeah, I commented it out. Randomly connecting to open Wifi gave me the heebie-jeebies. But it's there if you need it.
So I tried doing this by setting the line for the public access point - the ssid actually has an apostrophe in it (') - for which I used a backslash before it (\' - I presume that's the correct way to write it in inverted commas).

After doing that it - I followed it with service netif restart - somehow it complains that the ssid is a bad value
ifconfig: Brand_name's: bad value

And it won't even connect to my normal home network now - that's the same issue I faced earlier and hence prompted this question ..... I had to comment out the line to even write this reply :D
in rc.conf remove the WPA part
userx@FreeBeSD:~$ sudo cat /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

    ssid="Starbucks WiFi"
I assume that last one is for a no name ssid . i never tired it
in rc.conf remove the WPA part
there is no WPA part in my rc.conf - and it still doesn't work gives the error that I mentioned above - this is my line
ifconfig_wlan0="Brand_name\'s DHCP" (the ssid has an apostrophe)
You put the literal ssid before the network name?

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid Brand_name\'s DHCP"​

Or try the bssid too:

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid Brand_name\'s bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx DHCP"​

Or try the hexadecimal value in both ways:

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid Brand_name\x27s DHCP"​
ifconfig_wlan0="ssid 4272616e645f6e616d652773 DHCP"​

You can also use the form wpa_supplicant indicating the MAC for security, at the risk of it being cloned.
You put the literal ssid before the network name?

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid Brand_name\'s DHCP"​

Or try the bssid too:

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid Brand_name\'s bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx DHCP"​

Or try the hexadecimal value in both ways:

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid Brand_name\x27s DHCP"​
ifconfig_wlan0="ssid 4272616e645f6e616d652773 DHCP"​

You can also use the form wpa_supplicant indicating the MAC for security, at the risk of it being cloned.
create_args_wlan0="country US"
it is just the name the system gave the device not the actual brand name etc. I let the system add that on install
You put the literal ssid before the network name?

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid Brand_name\'s DHCP"​

Or try the bssid too:

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid Brand_name\'s bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx DHCP"​

Or try the hexadecimal value in both ways:

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid Brand_name\x27s DHCP"​
ifconfig_wlan0="ssid 4272616e645f6e616d652773 DHCP"​

You can also use the form wpa_supplicant indicating the MAC for security, at the risk of it being cloned.
it is public wifi . how is he suppose to get a IP ahead of time?
You put the literal ssid before the network name?

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid Brand_name\'s DHCP"
Ah - I hadn't put the literal "ssid" - that helped - thanks!

Another interesting thing - since it was mentioned each connection having it's own line in the /etc/rc.conf - it turns out that when I put the public wifi line below my home wifi - it simply connects to the public wifi - despite me being miles away from the public access point and sitting it home. Is that expected behaviour? Came across as strange to me - I ultimately had to put the home wifi line below the public wifi in the /etc/rc.conf for internet to connect to my home wifi system.
create_args_wlan0="country US"
Does this work with public wifi? I somehow understood from the above conversation that each network might need it's own separate line in rc.conf
Does this work with public wifi? I somehow understood from the above conversation that each network might need it's own separate line in rc.conf

/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf I expect.

rc.conf is sourced by rc, and is just shell commands:


last assigment wins.
I just thought of this I used it then when I got my rc.conf set up like I posted I used that to get wifi working on public i kept the wpa_sup because it did a proper job of it then got rid of the apt because it always uses the same provider

Why I can't get it to work? My /etc/rc.conf

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid TP-LINK_AC41 DHCP"

my /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf



ifconfig | grep -B3 -i wireless

shows rtwn0 but now shows nothing
Ok follow up - I tried it but it didn't work.

Somehow it shows up as connected under wlan0 with ifconfig (shows connected ssid of the network) but it will only let me ping - no other site works like even

On the mobile phone it automatically redirects to an additional verification page (which asks for phone or email) - but on the laptop it just doesn't show any such redirection when attempting to open Google or Bing or whatever.

Do I need to do something to get to their local authentication/verification page?
Why I can't get it to work? My /etc/rc.conf

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid TP-LINK_AC41 DHCP"

ifconfig_wlan0="DHCP WPA"
(or SYNCDHCP?) to make it use wpa_supplicant.conf

my /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf



ifconfig | grep -B3 -i wireless

shows rtwn0 but now shows nothing

As long as the right network appears under wlan0 it's ok, parent interface disappears on mine too, except for a line under wlan0.
As long as the right network appears under wlan0 it's ok,
In my case the laptop connects to the network of the public wifi but it doesn't get to the connection/authentication page somehow 🤔 (on the phone it automatically does)
I have also problems connecting to free wifis at airports, neither with my Samsung Galaxy S5 mini nor with
OpenBSD. Years before I had not this problem. I suspect it is something like an encrypted connection with
a technik I do not know, but configurated in new smartphones. I did not try with FreeBSD.

But my trial with OpenBSD had a failure. Unfortunately I forgot that I was using unbound, and the authentication
page is done through DNS, it was necessary to leave the Wifi Server configure my resolv.conf, then visit any
web page to be redirected to the authentication page.
In my case the laptop connects to the network of the public wifi but it doesn't get to the connection/authentication page somehow 🤔 (on the phone it automatically does)
Just visit any web page, you will probably be redirected to the authentication page.