network / usb 2.0 wi-fi: RTL8192eu realtek (802.11n)

Hello! I'm completely new, tell me, does this usb network adapter work on this operating system?
Officially, this adapter works on:
Linux ; Mac OS Catalina; Windows

Why am I creating this topic? because I tried to connect to the wifi network, but without success
I was looking for various guides, video clips, at least something
- but it didn't give me anything

After installing the system, the list of networks in NetworkMGR (gui) is visible, I select my network, enter the password, 30 seconds pass, nothing

1 minute passes, again asks for a password from the network - I enter
- the cycle repeats again
Can you help me connect to a WiFi hotspot?

My wifi use : WPA2-PSK


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I have a D-Link DWA-131 Rev. E same chipset. Does not work during installation, don't remember the exact message but it does work if configured after installation is complete. Its also very slow not sure if that can be tuned.
mine does not work without the patch / only in AP mode on one box and on another box works in STA but only with open networks
with the patch applied it gets about 20/30 Mb/s
it may have the "USB delay" problem
see this
if you don't have much trouble, could you tell if this adapter works at all?
I repeat, I first encountered such an operating system, I don’t know anything at all, and therefore I really need help from the “masters” of this system!

Of course, I wrote above that I used Linux systems not so long ago, especially Arch Linux, but everything "works" there without any problems!

All that is required there is to download the driver from github, and run an automatic script that will build the driver for you
- Nothing difficult for a beginner, agree?

I have freebsd current installed.
And it has a networkMGR installed, through which I try to connect, but after choosing my Wi-Fi, entering a password, nothing happens for 30 seconds
After 1 minute (approximately), it again requires a password, I enter it again
- and everything repeats in a new way

For the sake of interest, I tried to install it on a virtual machine in a Windows system, but this adapter does not work there either
That is, networks are available, but when you try to connect, "nothing" happens, it periodically asks for a password from the network, and that's it

Please forgive my "stupidity" if this is so, but I'm really "confused", I don't even understand what needs to be done to "fix" this (if possible)
If you need to send any screenshots, write what you need, I will send them

I have access to the network, only through this adapter, there is no wired connection at all
open a terminal and copy paste output of ifconfig wlan0
or take a picture
if you don't know how to rebuild the kernel (or kernel modules) i probably can't help
i can post my binaries but they are for 13.1
open a terminal and copy paste output of ifconfig wlan0
or take a picture
if you don't know how to rebuild the kernel (or kernel modules) i probably can't help
i can post my binaries but they are for 13.1
If it helps, then I can install myself 13.1 instead of 14 version

I have already tried a lot of things according to the instructions in the Google search engine
None of this helped.
remove all stuff related to wlan wpa etc from rc.conf
and replace with this

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid <your-ssid> WPA SYNCDHCP"
create_args_wlan0="country RU regdomain ETSI"

create a file named /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf with the content like

### start wpa_supplicant.conf
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel

replace <your-ssid> with your ssid and remove <> in both rc.conf and wpa_supplicant.conf
remove all stuff related to wlan wpa etc from rc.conf
and replace with this

ifconfig_wlan0="ssid <your-ssid> WPA SYNCDHCP"
create_args_wlan0="country RU regdomain ETSI"

create a file named /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf with the content like

### start wpa_supplicant.conf
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel

replace <your-ssid> with your ssid and remove <> in both rc.conf and wpa_supplicant.conf
did exactly as you said
- nothing has changed (there was no access to the wifi network)
while rebooting the system many times, I noticed such lines;

wlan0 NO LINK

wlan0 no carrier

and firmare for my adapter loaded: rtwn-rtl8192eufw
and saw similar lines with such numbers:

maybe something else needs to be done?
after installing the system, I almost did not configure anything, just installed
as I said, I am completely new to this system, this is the first time I have it
you can try these 2 files on 13.1
just unzip them and copy them over the originals in /boot/kernel/
okay, im installed freebsd 13.1..
Broooooooo!!! ITS WORK!!!!! THANKS VERY MUCH!!!!! really thanks xd
"Love" you! x)

i just add this files from archive, to /kernel, and network WORK !!!!!
just add 2 files = rtl8192eu WORK
no need edit any configs, just add your files! xdd

Just wondering why I could not connect to the network before, but now I can? 0.0
the stock driver does not work properly with some dongles and needs a patch
the version i posted contains the patch
see discussion here
Thanks for the link, help! if it wasn't for your links, my RTL8192eu never worked for FreeBSD !
Thanks again! ( just im happy, i can NOW use wifi-network ;D )
Didn't expect someone to help me
usually where I didn’t create topics on the forum (on Linux topics)
I almost never got help with a decision.
Especially on arch form

The question is, is there such a patch for the current version (14)?
Only 13.1?

Why do I want to use version 14?
- well, "everything is the freshest, the newest"! (is that supposed to be good?)
- until recently, used arch-linux distribution, test branch of updates, software
Why do I want to use version 14?
- well, "everything is the freshest, the newest"! (is that supposed to be good?)
- until recently, used arch-linux distribution, test branch of updates, software
-CURRENT is an unsupported, development version.

Topics about unsupported FreeBSD versions

Also note that 13.1 is nearing its end-of-life. It will be EoL three months after the release of 13.2, which will hopefully be around the end of March (schedules sometime slip a bit).

Of course, I'm "wildly" sorry, however, how can I "install" this patch?
Can I get instructions? (as I understand it, this is already done somehow differently, not just put this file in the kernel directory)
what should I do with this text document, .txt format? ;))
Perhaps a stupid question, but, "so are we, beginners"; D
- before asking a question, I tried to find it through a Google search, but again I did not find any information ((no examples of what and how to do

Unless, of course, it will not be difficult for you to spend a little more time on my "problem", for the "current" version of the system 14 +

As it was not written in this thread, version 13 will "end" soon, therefore, it is probably worth thinking about new versions, and how to make my network adapter work in them