The Merits of Social Media in this Pandemic

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During Antiquity, those at the top were called citizens, those at the bottom slaves. Nowadays, those at the bottom are called citizens and those at the top no longer feel the need for a name.

This is a nice description, and I like Your style of putting it in words - but, is it actually true?
Yes, we know tha generally praised "first democracy in the world", the ancient Greek, included only a selected few of established Athens citizens, while lots of others, peasants and slaves, were out.
Rome had a clear distinction between the 'cives romanus' who would have rights, and any other who would have no rights.
So, anywhere is a kind of "establishment" - a group of people who would decide along which values a society is supposed to run, and which rules and taboos should be in place. And these groups have formal and informal means to secure their place, as well als means to decide upon the hierarchy among themselves.

You're also right that there was a kind of hiccup with the French revolution - and some say, this (and democracy in general) is just a great hoax of the Illuminati, in order to move the gentry out of sight so these could not be blamed anymore; and that way to establish their power even better, because the people, now due to the illusion of democracy, would have to blame themselves for all mishaps.
This is obviousely a conspiracy-theory.

So, the most asked question: who are the illuminati today? You say, they no longer feel the need for a name. But then, do they still exist at all?
What I see is just people who got into certain positions - for a variety of reasons: because of daringness, because of luck, because of inheritance, because of recklessness, because of being at the right place at the right time and doing the right thing, or whatever.
And then, these people gather with people in similar position, because that is natural, and everybody does. And so this becomes an "establishment", without there being any conspiracy at all - only some people doing what they think might suit them best.

This divide remaining so stable over time, beyond Newspeak fashion, means it is necessary - in other words, a constraint.

Yes. And I might suppose it is much simpler: it is just an attribute of the mind. There are not so many people who are willing to take responsibility and undergo risk. Many more do prefer to just hide among the masses and blame somebody else for their mishaps.

I am not sure if that is an educational matter, or just one of diversity. Anyway, entrepreneurship is not gifted to everybody. And obviousely, entrepreneurship does not guarantee one to rise into the establishment - but it's a prerequisite.
You're also right that there was a kind of hiccup with the French revolution

It was not a hiccup. If the Gentry and the Church had made a honorable place by their side to the Bourgeoisie when it began to concentrate a lot of wealth and power, the French Revolution would never have happened. Interestingly, the Industrial Revolution has immediately followed the French Revolution.

As to the Illuminati, it's your interpretation, I wasn't talking about that at all.

Reality is much simpler: there are very few people at the top and these positions are fragile, so the higher these people are, the more caution and solidarity they need to deploy to last. This is all I'll say about it.
Reality is much simpler
I tell people this all the time. With all the angst people are in from what they see on TV or read on the internet, they should pay more attention to what's happening as they walk down the street and sit in their living rooms. That's where things are really happening and that's where you'll find what people actually care about and you'll find it's never about what you see on TV or read on the internet.
It was not a hiccup. If the Gentry and the Church had made a honorable place by their side to the Bourgeoisie when it began to concentrate a lot of wealth and power, the French Revolution would never have happened. Interestingly, the Industrial Revolution has immediately followed the French Revolution.

As to the Illuminati, it's your interpretation, I wasn't talking about that at all.

Reality is much simpler: there are very few people at the top and these positions are fragile, so the higher these people are, the more caution and solidarity they need to deploy to last. This is all I'll say about it.

Those on top are of no concern to me. They can be on top for as much as they are happy with, for, what I get about their lifestyle, it is by no means desireable, even less something to envy.

The Illuminati, however, are of concern, because, as the name says, they are responsibe for the enlightenment. And the greatest revolutionary achievement would probably be to get everybody enlightened - that's about what Buddha wanted. So this is the cool part, the fancy side of things - whereas "those on top" are just boring.
[...] WHY, some kind of social network (or video hosting), started to be interested
so much in some kind of "disease"?... IMO, it's very obvious, that all this so called
"corona virus" bullshit is just an idiotic propaganda, in which certain powers are interested
very much. [...]
Semper queret.... Did you ever reflect it could be you who's been fooled by idiodic propaganda? Do you believe all the governments, economical leaders & scientists created a worldwide conspiracy, causing a multi-trillion economical damage just to suppress the plebs?

I feel very very sad about people who refuse to apply simple mathematics (exponential growth) & others who keep calling this the "Wuhan Virus" (usage of this term can be considered racism), implying it could have been contained -- which is nearly impossible due to it's high infectiousity -- and denying the obvious outage of their own government to constrict the spread of this virus in their country.

Before you compare this to Ebola (which could be successfully contained): ordinary people from West-Africa do not travel around the world, but Wuhan is an 8-million metropole with economical interrelations throughout the globe. And unfortunately, the pandemic started at the same time when the chinese new year's holiday began, where these people traditionally travel back home to visit their families.
Since it is believed to have begun there, it cannot be considered racism.
It can, because it has been given another name which is commonly accepted worldwide. More importantly, the people using that term "Wuhan Virus" keep on implying it could have been stopped there. That's as silly as accusing the local government of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands or Sumatra they should have contained the Tsunami 2004.
EDIT: Personally, I do not accuse all who use that term of beeing racists. What matters is the 2nd implication.
Semper queret.... Did you ever reflect it could be you who's been fooled by idiodic propaganda? Do you believe all the governments, economical leaders & scientists created a worldwide conspiracy, causing a multi-trillion economical damage just to suppress the plebs?

That, as usual, depends on what benefits are to be achieved in return for the cost.

But, if you bother to have a look at the stock exchance, you will see - nothing. The trading ranges are exactly the same as they were a year ago.

So, there simply is no "multi-trillion economical damage" - there is no such damage at all - at least not where it counts: at the stock exchange. This economical damage is again only a fairy-tale.

Indeed, millions and millions of livelihoods have been recklessly destroyed. Millions of people running their own littlle shop, or running their shop with a handful of employees, have been driven into poverty. But that is nothing the big players would bother about. Just the opposite, and specifically in the gastronomy branch, there is a long-standing intention to get rid of these small businesses: since people want to get quality food, and they want to get the same reliable quality food all over the world - quality that can only be provided by the big players (like Kentucky Fried, Pizza Hut, Burger King, you-name-it), so it was very important to finally get rid of those local "specialty" restaurants nobody except Michelin knows.

But that is just a corrollary. The much more important thing, the biggest benefits, immense benefits immeasureable in money terms, are achieved by eradicating compassion, and teaching people to express their hate and contempt for their fellow human.

See, almost all respectable religions do teach compassion. The teach that one should care for the fellow human.
This was never to the liking of the socialist ideology, and they were always against religion, for a simple reason: when people are compassionate and help each other, there is no way to profit from that. But, otoh, when people do not help each other, but instead have a goverment take away their goods and redistribute them among those who might need them, then the government people can rip-off as much as they want for their own pockets.

So, governments were never happy with compassion, because compassion might reduce the need for government. But then. compassion is not only a religious command, it is a very natural human habit, and cannot so easily be done away with even if that is highly desired.
Now what was achieved with the corona-hoax is an excellent coup de main: not just to do away with compassion, but to prohibit the very base on which compassion can only grow: proximity. (It is more obvious in German, where Nächstenliebe is elementary rooted in Nähe - so the interdiction of Nähe gets rid of compassion once and for all.)

This then has an immeasurable wealth of advantages: for instance, as I remember, my father, when there was the need to drill a hole somewhere in the house, borrowed a powerdrill somewhere at the workplace. And later I was wondering why there is the habit of buying all kinds of crap which you would need only twice a year, instead of sharing and helping each other. Simple answer: helping each other endangers the economy.

Now we can take this a big step further, as now we have deeply implanted into the subconscious that the fellow human does not deserve any cooperation, but instead is highly dangerous!
By the same means we now have eradicated all political initiatives, as these do basically depend on people gathering and talking to each other. We have now abandoned democracy, by keeping it on the paper but removing the very basic human interactions on which it is based.

There are many more achievements. Consider the requirement to pay with credit card. In many regions there was still a strong reluctance to use credit card, and people would prefer real money. This is a big problem, because only credit cards allow to disposses the people by simply pushing a button (if, for instance, they are disobedient).

Now this issue has also been brought a great leap forward. And there are many many more...
That, as usual, depends on what benefits are to be achieved in return for the cost. But, if you bother to have a look at the stock exchance, you will see - nothing. The trading ranges are exactly the same as they were a year ago. So, there simply is no "multi-trillion economical damage" - there is no such damage at all - at least not where it counts: at the stock exchange. This economical damage is again only a fairy-tale.
Looks like you do not understand some basic correlations? Prices at the stock exchange can give a rough indication, but not a measurement of economical damage. The economic output is commonly measured by GDP (for a country) and there's also an aggregate to apply the same measurement to the whole world's economic output. The latter has seen a drastic decline due to the pandemic.
The virus is called SARS-CoV-2, the disease you get from it is called COVID-19. The "Spanish" flu didn't originate in Spain, they were just the only ones that had newspaper reports about it, the rest of the world tried to censor it (sound familiar?). It's actually called H1N1 and is an influenza virus.
Looks like you do not understand some basic correlations? Prices at the stock exchange can give a rough indication, but not a measurement of economical damage. The economic output is commonly measured by GDP (for a country) and there's also an aggregate to apply the same measurement to the whole world's economic output. The latter has seen a drastic decline due to the pandemic.

But that is merely academic and has no practical consequences. The prices at the stock exchange give not only a "rough indication", they exactly tell how rich you are, meaning, which company you can buy. And that is all that matters.
[...about compassion...] Now what was achieved with the corona-hoax is an excellent coup de main: not just to do away with compassion, but to prohibit the very base on which compassion can only grow: proximity.
This is ridiculous. Proximity has not been prohibited, and neither is compassion. Proximity is beeing restricted, and compassion is beeing promoted: wear a face mask to show your compassion for others. I do see your points though, that the restrictions implied by the pandemic are contrasting some very basic human needs. But please do not mix vague discontent about all unfairnesses in the world to construct a worldwide conspiracy.
This then has an immeasurable wealth of advantages: for instance, as I remember, my father, when there was the need to drill a hole somewhere in the house, borrowed a powerdrill somewhere at the workplace. And later I was wondering why there is the habit of buying all kinds of crap which you would need only twice a year, instead of sharing and helping each other. Simple answer: helping each other endangers the economy.
I recently borrowed an electrical drilling machine to my neighbor. Nothing wrong with that, no restrictions whatsoever about such helping-each-other.
Now we can take this a big step further, as now we have deeply implanted into the subconscious that the fellow human does not deserve any cooperation, but instead is highly dangerous!
By the same means we now have eradicated all political initiatives, as these do basically depend on people gathering and talking to each other. We have now abandoned democracy, by keeping it on the paper but removing the very basic human interactions on which it is based.
Again, ridiculous. Contrarily, cooperation is requested! The cooperation that most governments and vast majority of ordinary people are asking for, is to wear a face mask when people are gathering & wash your hands frequently. Wow, what a harsh restriction of your basic rights...
There are many more achievements. Consider the requirement to pay with credit card. In many regions there was still a strong reluctance to use credit card, and people would prefer real money. This is a big problem, because only credit cards allow to disposses the people by simply pushing a button (if, for instance, they are disobedient).
This is the only topic in your post with some factual content. 1st, paying by cash is not forbidden. 2nd, there are projects to pay anonymously by card, as if it was cash. Sorry I can not provide a link. These are very young.
But that is merely academic and has no practical consequences. The prices at the stock exchange give not only a "rough indication", they exactly tell how rich you are, meaning, which company you can buy. And that is all that matters.
??? What a nonsense. The prices at the stock exchange are those that have been paid. There's no guarantee whatsoever that the same (or near) price will be agreed upon a few seconds later.
getopt : I must say you show all of us incredible ( and admirable) intellectual bravado from time to time.
I tried to write this the other day, but the thread was probably under review by moderators.

So, the original post (OP) caused me to reflect on the original intent behind the creation of ARPANET, a
precursor to the internet. A text messaging service used by university computer science, engineering and
research departments. These were highly educated people engaged in technical problem solving (mostly). But as time moved on, more access was granted for other projects and other problem solving.

To summarize, we want to receive the benefits of large populations of highly educated and detail oriented
people seriously using scientific methodology to achieve targeted goals (Pandemic problem solving).
Therefore, get back to basics and use the messaging service like the ARPANET!
As someone who was in the ICU with covid, I hope that no one is paying attention to those shouting hoax. It doesn't surprise me on this forum, sad to say. They are incorrect. It is not a hoax. It is very real, it is killing people. Personally, I would say that calling it a hoax on a forum is far more serious than asking about using CURRENT on FreeNAS, but that's just me.
I don't consider it a hoax but I think to call the term "Wuhann Virus" racist is silly.
Perhaps "Kung-Flu" is a bit insensitive but not racist.
I think it also helps to remember that this virus was covered up by the Chinese government.
Doctors were jailed for alerting other doctors to the effects.
So there is no need to apologize for calling this the Wuhan Virus.
Utter mayhem was foisted upon the world by the Chinese government to save face.
To say that they are not to blame or equate it to a Tsunami is ridiculous.
A tsunami cannot be controlled. A virus can.
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Honestly, I can't believe they didn't let this thread stay closed.
So, anyway, I'm thinking of using CURRENT on a FreeNAS machine. Anyone have any experience doing that?
You guys asking for trouble? Or are you just horsing around?

Go put CURRENT on your NAS. And 4.4 on your latest uefi-only shiny. It gives you all something to do and us something to laugh.

Other than that, these days I have limited tolerance for stupidity. Stupid got us into this mess.
I know 1 person who died of it.
I can offer another 2.

Honestly, I can't believe they didn't let this thread stay closed.
I think leaving it open is actually a good idea from a free speech viewpoint. It allows some people to expose how they think, so we can in the future evaluate their other communications in view of how sensible they seem to be with regard to the Covid question. On the other hand, if the admins want to close or delete it, because it causes trouble, I fully understand, because it seems to attract both undesirable attention and undesirable people.

Go put ... And 4.4 on your latest uefi-only shiny.
Amazingly enough, FreeBSD 4 is still in use. Just logged in to one such machine:
> uname -a
FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE-p22 FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE-p22 #5: Thu Feb 28 02:46:42 PST 2008  i386
> date
Wed Aug 12 14:39:17 PDT 2020
> uptime
 2:41PM  up 264 days, 13:32, 2 users, load averages: 0.74, 0.35, 0.19
I'm not saying that running 12-year old code on an internet-facing machine is a good idea, but this is an existence proof of it being possible.
Perhaps "Kung-Flu" is a bit insensitive but not racist.
I think it's funny. When someone is making a joke with no intention of demeaning someone, then I take it as it is--a joke. I love it when I make a joke and someone tries so hard to stifle their laugh as they berate me for telling it cause some social justice warrior is butt hurt over it.

All these months later, I still haven't met anyone who had the virus. I also haven't met anyone who knows someone who has the virus.
I went to the hospital three times, recently, where they have someone at the entrance checking everyone and quizzing them. I asked them if they have ever turned anyone away. All of them had been doing it for weeks, at least, and none of them have.

Now, I'm not saying it's a hoax. I am saying--and irritated that--they are targeting the wrong people and things. They should have been contact tracing from the beginning. I said that the first week all this came out. They should have targeted people who came in from other countries that were hot spots. Making everyone wear masks and distance from each other is just throwing a blanket over everything.
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