BSDCan 2024​


TIL: scent-free is a thing, although confusingly, the University page makes no mention of scent.

I had to Google:

scent-free barrier university
And I picked up some trash bags, and it turned out, they too are scent free. I hadn't noticed that others weren't, though. :)
On West Coast US, 'scent-free' has been a thing since well before the Covid - it started with medical offices, to be respectful of the fact that some patients may be allergic to perfumes. Recently, it spread to government offices. Oh, and don't forget commercial airliners - you don't want to be stuck on a 6-hour flight next to someone with incredibly offensive BO or stench of smoke or excessive garlic/fish. On at least a couple occasions (that I know of), commercial flights had to be turned around because this one passenger was just too smelly for everyone else on board.