Solved Upgrading 13.2-RELEASE to 14.0-RELEASE -- some issues

I upgraded my box form 13.2-RELEASE to 14.0-RELEASE amd64, following standard procedure as described on

Up till now the issues I noticed:
  • root shell changed from csh to sh (checked with chsh);
  • pkg missed a and refused to work. After some commands from another tread (don't remember the commands and order I tried), pkg was installed anew and upgraded all components/software;
  • the wallpaper of my main account is not displayed, although the picture, graphics/feh and ~/.fehbg are in place.
But the box is running fine, and those minor issues can be fixed.
UPDATE after a night of fetching and installing updates of software:

the 14.0 box works as intended. All mentioned issues probably were due to un-installed and not updated software. Somewhere there might be someting overseen.

The root shell sh was solved by copying and editing the syntax from my ~/.cshrc backup to the ~/.shrc file. TNX for pointing that I should RTFM!

After all, the upgrade to a new major version is a peace of cake. TNX for all making this possible!!!