Solved Skipped a nextcloud major release which seems to be a big no-no

I just updated a bunch of packages as well as upgrading to FreeBSD 14 but I apparently skipped nextcloud v27 (went from 26,0,1,1 to 28,0,0,11) and occ upgrade is spitting out the error:
Exception: Updates between multiple major versions and downgrades are unsupported.
Update failed
So I seem to be permanently stuck in maintenance mode, unless there's a trick I don't know about.

I do have a backup of my v26 folder and DB but I'm not sure how I should go about fixing this.
Can I force specific package versions somehow(I can only see v28 with a pkg search)?

The only solution I can think of would be to do a manual install of v26 somehow and figure out how to manually upgrade from the nextcloud website versions by versions and then copy the data back to my system.
I would assume I need v26 first though to restore the backup, unless there's nothing more to it than the www folder and the DB content.
I'd install 27 from quarterly. See if that works, hopefully it will just start it's upgrade procedure. Let it upgrade the database and whatever it needs to do. Then install 28 again from latest. Let it do it's upgrade procedure.

You have a backup of the state from v26, keep that at hand, just in case the above procedure doesn't work. If it fails you could always put the backup back and fiddle with the ports tree as cracauer@ suggested to get an older copy of the ports tree that still has 26.

unless there's nothing more to it than the www folder and the DB content.
Those version upgrades often change various things in the database. Move stuff around, add new columns, tables, whatever the new version needs changing. The 28 install bailed out so it never changed anything. If you install 27 it should perform its upgrade procedures and migrate your v26 database to v27. Then you can install 28 and let it upgrade from v27 to v28.
I also asked on the nextcloud forum and it sounds like my data isn't updated unless the occ upgrade command does its thing, which it refused to do so replacing the code with v27 from quarterly, do the upgrade and then v28 again worked flawlessly, thanks.