multiples pcmanfm windows wont respect display option

A very anoing a excelent file manager, I love it, but happen this:

I have 3 displays , 2 of them in Nvidia and the other on onboard intel vga
I can start programs without problems in any display,like this
DISPLAY=":0.2" xterm
for example

but when I had one pcmanfm window open in display 0 , and I open a new windows in display 2 , its appear in display 0
I have try the classic way(code above) and the pcmanfm way
but has no effect
but when I had one pcmanfm window open in display 0 , and I open a new windows in display 2 , its appear in display 0
Probably because they're not separate processes. Each xterm is a separate process, each pcmanfm window is probably opened from a single process.
Probably because they're not separate processes. Each xterm is a separate process, each pcmanfm window is probably opened from a single process.
Is a shame, Pcmanfm is the only application that have this behaviour
for other hand the port of Spacefm is great , but I dont trust for everyday use , had some bugs that I cant reproduce
I'm just shooting in the dark here, but this single/separate process could be a cause. There might be a way to start a new pcmanfm process, one that's connected to the other display. Just because a new window opens doesn't necessarily mean it's a different process, you can have a single process spawning multiple, seemingly individual, windows.
I'm just shooting in the dark here, but this single/separate process could be a cause. There might be a way to start a new pcmanfm process, one that's connected to the other display. Just because a new window opens doesn't necessarily mean it's a different process, you can have a single process spawning multiple, seemingly individual, windows.

No..nothing , I try every option in pcmanfm command line options

GTK+ Options
  --class=CLASS                Program class as used by the window manager
  --name=NAME                  Program name as used by the window manager
  --screen=SCREEN              X screen to use
  --sync                       Make X calls synchronous
  --gtk-module=MODULES         Load additional GTK+ modules
  --g-fatal-warnings           Make all warnings fatal

Application Options:
  -p, --profile=PROFILE        Name of configuration profile
  -d, --daemon-mode            Run PCManFM as a daemon
  --no-desktop                 No function. Just to be compatible with nautilus
  --desktop                    Launch desktop manager
  --desktop-off                Turn off desktop manager if it's running
  --desktop-pref               Open desktop preference dialog
  --one-screen                 Use --desktop option only for one screen
  -w, --set-wallpaper=FILE     Set desktop wallpaper from image FILE
  --wallpaper-mode=MODE        Set mode of desktop wallpaper. MODE=(color|stretch|fit|crop|center|tile|screen)
  --show-pref=N                Open Preferences dialog on the page N
  -n, --new-win                Open new window
  -f, --find-files             Open a Find Files window
  --role=ROLE                  Window role for usage by window manager
  --display=DISPLAY            X display to use

even the "--new-win" or the gtk+ option "screen="