Other Midnight Commander + Emacs = Sunrise Commander ?

Midnight Commander is probably the program I use most for managing my filesystem but it is a bit awkward sometimes. Now that I'm using Emacs more especially with two vertical, I was wondering if there was any Emacs package that would emulate MC, so out of curiosity I did a search for 'using emacs as midnight commander' which led me to Sunrise Commander.

Just wondered if any had heard of it /tried it.

I'll probably give it a try tomorrow, out of interest.
Not really sure how to install it.

tells me:

Installation and Usage​

  1. Put sunrise.el somewhere in your Emacs load-path.
  2. Add a (require 'sunrise) to your .emacs file.

Do I need to grab the whole thing via git? Or can get emacs to fetch and install it via

F10 -> Help -> Finding Extra Packages
All you need to do is:

  1. Put sunrise.el somewhere in your Emacs load-path.
  2. Add a (require 'sunrise) to your .emacs file.
