I hacked nsa.gov website? Bind question

I ran BIND on my freebsd installation. Resolving websites seemed ok until I tried to open 'nsa.gov' in my browser. bind does not resolve that domain name for some reason. Is there something wrong with my bind settings? (nsa.gov resolves fine through the public DNS server)
# dig whitehouse.gov 

; <<>> DiG 9.18.24 <<>> whitehouse.gov 
;; global options: +cmd 
;; Got answer: 
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 42815 
;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232 
; COOKIE: 0d04ee740aa333be010000006624c6e7998274208052ad85 (good) 
;whitehouse.gov.            IN    A 

whitehouse.gov.        300    IN    A 

;; Query time: 1332 msec 
;; WHEN: Sun Apr 21 12:57:27 +05 2024 
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 87 

# dig nsa.gov 

; <<>> DiG 9.18.24 <<>> nsa.gov 
;; global options: +cmd 
;; Got answer: 
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 957 
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232 
; COOKIE: d5a54bd701ce4b0d010000006624c6f07806081cf0ad5684 (good) 
;nsa.gov.            IN    A 

;; Query time: 1370 msec 
;; WHEN: Sun Apr 21 12:57:36 +05 2024 
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 64
I use local_unbound for dns. I have forwarder
The following site is visible,
dig www.nsa.gov
dig www.nsa.gov
I mean I also get this nsa.gov site resolved if I use a fallback second public dns nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf. Which is the same functionality as setting a forwarder in named.conf, I think. The question remains. Why is nsa.gov not DNS resolved by a recursive bind from my location? Is the US government down?? *panicky face*
Attention whore.

My /etc/resolv.conf :

I think you are doing something wrong in your bind configuration. Not the U.S. government...
You mean uncommenting and changing forwarders {; }; to {; }; in named.conf? That still doesn't resolve nsa.gov
In either case this shouldn't change anything since this part of your config is inside a multiline comment. I don't think it's a good idea to set localhost as forwarder because a forwarder is a server your server will send its queries to so it shouldn't "forward" queries to itself.

I suggest you start fresh with a copy of the default config and note down the lines you changed.

I mean I also get this nsa.gov site resolved if I use a fallback second public dns nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf. Which is the same functionality as setting a forwarder in named.conf, I think. The question remains. Why is nsa.gov not DNS resolved by a recursive bind from my location? Is the US government down?? *panicky face*

If your server doesn't have a name in its cache it will need to look it up, which it can do recursively (start at the root servers and work its way down the DNS hierarchy) or it can do it by forwarding the query to a public DNS server (these are resolvers usually). So in this way, setting a server in your client's resolv.conf is similar to setting a forwarder in your server's config. You could also do a "DNS trace" using the dig query option "+trace" maybe this will give you more info. Here I am using drill since I don't have dig installed.

➜  ~ drill -T nsa.gov
.    518400    IN    NS    h.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    c.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    g.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    k.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    i.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    d.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    m.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    e.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    f.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    a.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    l.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    b.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    j.root-servers.net.
gov.    172800    IN    NS    a.ns.gov.
gov.    172800    IN    NS    b.ns.gov.
gov.    172800    IN    NS    c.ns.gov.
gov.    172800    IN    NS    d.ns.gov.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a1-107.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a11-66.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a12-67.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a2-64.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a24-65.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a5-66.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    20    IN    A
It would be pretty funny if the NSA DNS cache poisoned you.

Don't uncomment the forwarder because that will just loop.
In either case this shouldn't change anything since this part of your config is inside a multiline comment. I don't think it's a good idea to set localhost as forwarder because a forwarder is a server your server will send its queries to so it shouldn't "forward" queries to itself.

I suggest you start fresh with a copy of the default config and note down the lines you changed.

If your server doesn't have a name in its cache it will need to look it up, which it can do recursively (start at the root servers and work its way down the DNS hierarchy) or it can do it by forwarding the query to a public DNS server (these are resolvers usually). So in this way, setting a server in your client's resolv.conf is similar to setting a forwarder in your server's config. You could also do a "DNS trace" using the dig query option "+trace" maybe this will give you more info. Here I am using drill since I don't have dig installed.

➜  ~ drill -T nsa.gov
.    518400    IN    NS    h.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    c.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    g.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    k.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    i.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    d.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    m.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    e.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    f.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    a.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    l.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    b.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    j.root-servers.net.
gov.    172800    IN    NS    a.ns.gov.
gov.    172800    IN    NS    b.ns.gov.
gov.    172800    IN    NS    c.ns.gov.
gov.    172800    IN    NS    d.ns.gov.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a1-107.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a11-66.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a12-67.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a2-64.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a24-65.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a5-66.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    20    IN    A
drill actually worked (note different IP by the way):
# drill -T nsa.gov
.    518400    IN    NS    m.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    l.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    h.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    d.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    b.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    e.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    i.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    f.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    g.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    c.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    j.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    k.root-servers.net.
.    518400    IN    NS    a.root-servers.net.
gov.    172800    IN    NS    a.ns.gov.
gov.    172800    IN    NS    b.ns.gov.
gov.    172800    IN    NS    c.ns.gov.
gov.    172800    IN    NS    d.ns.gov.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a1-107.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a11-66.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a12-67.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a2-64.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a24-65.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    10800    IN    NS    a5-66.akam.net.
nsa.gov.    20    IN    A
But dig still produces SERVFAIL status and doesn't resolve. Drill took a while, so maybe there's some timeout issue somewhere?
Ok, drill +trace shows some sort of a timeout in between, but then does acquire the target.

# dig +trace nsa.gov

; <<>> DiG 9.18.24 <<>> +trace nsa.gov
;; global options: +cmd
.            517439    IN    NS    c.root-servers.net.
.            517439    IN    NS    m.root-servers.net.
.            517439    IN    NS    i.root-servers.net.
.            517439    IN    NS    b.root-servers.net.
.            517439    IN    NS    j.root-servers.net.
.            517439    IN    NS    d.root-servers.net.
.            517439    IN    NS    e.root-servers.net.
.            517439    IN    NS    f.root-servers.net.
.            517439    IN    NS    h.root-servers.net.
.            517439    IN    NS    a.root-servers.net.
.            517439    IN    NS    g.root-servers.net.
.            517439    IN    NS    k.root-servers.net.
.            517439    IN    NS    l.root-servers.net.
.            517440    IN    RRSIG    NS 8 0 518400 20240510050000 20240427040000 5613 . YWi6TH/IMGys165mY/Pcb5c2uSKmfmhS2jwg5vVKR6+4SoV5gAInXnye z9sR1a3UL3jACIZDrWJ22HG1rK61io7fHLYbZ+QFNf2vICqqumLC/tLA hLqI8kYtXTnXG8YCjxWE2f+klYDFmtCYGePbjMJD4kQAs9rg0ssvVTJT OS+AcAVb6rXE1qxJ189tKzH3Ys1HZABE+aruXt02TqB7etM8xC3QcbYm TB0iib32ezDnz6cZt4VWxj4BH3jtguAk9M2/l150lLS9v+fWYmKkgGbb pmXA/32b0dEApYG6WJy+2RmuEw0r6CpOziE/6U8i8WJtTkRna2NZgBYC QfS/aA==
;; Received 1137 bytes from in 0 ms

;; communications error to timed out
;; communications error to timed out
;; communications error to timed out
gov.            172800    IN    NS    a.ns.gov.
gov.            172800    IN    NS    b.ns.gov.
gov.            172800    IN    NS    c.ns.gov.
gov.            172800    IN    NS    d.ns.gov.
gov.            86400    IN    DS    64280 8 2 D66CDDA12234C22C5E6FD1C894DBD682FE7967E111793485A281972B FB164377
gov.            86400    IN    RRSIG    DS 8 1 86400 20240510050000 20240427040000 5613 . Blze1+o0KjU0sicU6azPIaOEbTImFzSHZ9ieB/zigKlFhd3ZkwqF9Fc/ pMKOl2VZhSezqlZC9usSqYthUW4S+tL1L6Xq67SOIWvPTXaimn92uDbV qrtNmdEjhDCoNW/NtstHzI7wx+8gPTgdlAkRaLY825ZrHsrIA3DR+LJ4 y9NJvzPBf+A2FyDMSRqERw3kmFidpCd92GQckoZrs3vi0EGbyBVdMvJo 44KBfpfiTTyWGvxhfkjcyOEkd8izTdsCq0H8bI7Zcjuo+4Dj9Uv862yG nCzQfghIRSQrEeesqU9TepKEuPVodpb/kvx9AHf+9A7ylQ3eNMoXFs7f 9rBkPg==
;; Received 614 bytes from in 26 ms

nsa.gov.        10800    IN    NS    a1-107.akam.net.
nsa.gov.        10800    IN    NS    a11-66.akam.net.
nsa.gov.        10800    IN    NS    a12-67.akam.net.
nsa.gov.        10800    IN    NS    a2-64.akam.net.
nsa.gov.        10800    IN    NS    a24-65.akam.net.
nsa.gov.        10800    IN    NS    a5-66.akam.net.
nsa.gov.        3600    IN    DS    29356 7 2 17C346B94BE3BDA883BC22D195B3A8AA4CCDADFC43B26B5C659D70AF 58E8FD5C
nsa.gov.        3600    IN    RRSIG    DS 8 2 3600 20240428114504 20240426094504 10104 gov. R/eW3StY+Uf754/VEerq5LJALZwz8dj01fSI++RulSBtPNqQptUq7tBz ktqFBOcCQYmpoORAiInRwXzX5Ic4cNYDTm0mGdQEf5szaVuLUgEf0HPM Kv4B8l0BTa4GaN3uWRTa9oFjag+DVEB6zznJKyuTl8unSMrV5cbR+w4X a+bVgoIAXAcvljIWFiB8DxK154JiT2vpjYab84grnRnrlQ==
;; Received 411 bytes from in 46 ms

nsa.gov.        20    IN    A
nsa.gov.        20    IN    RRSIG    A 7 2 20 20240430074254 20240427064254 55988 nsa.gov. rJzVUeslZ92Q9OIodAkRjWLOvXAmHqAnkQyI3xzB9jTpPMaiomn/jddN lyH9nqBx6HtbhEwxkkved2VWffqmbhitp5f786FYzti3IfbUyh0l5mi1 c6dZS/LBnfSOJSNBmTix5ueyNy0i3x45rWa1MbZa9s7MJBo1XKMvwsfZ Y/k=
;; Received 219 bytes from in 89 ms
Drill took a while
For me it took like a minute to complete so I think it's normal.

Personally I'd create a plain new fresh install in a VM and install only bind with as direct as possible of a internet connection (no firewall or anything) to rule out any potential causes. Maybe it isn't even a bind issue. If you can, also try with a different ISP.