FreeBSD14 VM to forward audio, ... without audio hardware :)

I run FreeBSD in an VM accessed on a windows machine using xrdp. The VM has neither video or audio hardware. For video I use the unaccelerated frame buffer scfb.

However how to do the same for audio !!??

Puls audio does not detect audio hardware (Yep there is not any)
2024-02-05 12:40:02.000 pulseaudio[984]: 4 pulseaudio[984]: [(null)] module-detect.c: failed to detect any sound hardware.

However it should ... I think ... be possible to emulate some simple audio hardware, so that pulse audio can function and forward sound via xrcp towards the rdp session on the windows machine.

Can any one advice / has a solution?
The jack audio daemon has jack_net, which iirc is available for windows.
Sorry, but can you explain a bit more. There are two sites:
- the VM running FreeBSD 14 which need a virtual sound device for probalby pulse audio to work with
- and windows remote desktop at the windows computer. Which will forward sound, I hope and expect, to the windows audio device, if there is sound arriving via rdp !?

So, assume that this is correct, I do not need to install any thing at the window side, I just have to take care of a virtual audio device at the FreeBSD VM
I am not aware of a method to inject audio into rdp in that situation. jack_net would do audio outside of the remote desktop.
I have configured a jail, and it uses pulseaudio for sound. I have also installed XRDP and the xrdp plugin for pulseaudio, and the sound streams just fine with that setup.