Firefox on arm64

Is Firefox know to work on arm64?

Just now I tried to build official-stockfish from source to try to reproduce an issue. clang++ crashed so I installed firefox in order to try to log a bug with the attached source and scripts.

First of all firefox failed because one of its shared libraries couldn't load the maths library I worked around that with

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/

With that it got as far as a core dump.

The core dump isn't much use

Core file '/home/paulf/firefox.core' (aarch64) was loaded.
(lldb) bt
* thread #1, name = 'MainThread', stop reason = signal SIGSEGV
* frame #0: 0x00004820264df434
frame #1: 0x000048202646024c

I tried Valgrind but unfortunately got an unhandled instruction

ARM64 front end: branch_etc
disInstr(arm64): unhandled instruction 0xD5380609
disInstr(arm64): 1101'0101 0011'1000 0000'0110 0000'1001
==2178== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0xdfa7880.
==2178== at 0xDFA7880: SkCpu::CacheRuntimeFeatures() (in /usr/local/lib/firefox/

│ > 0xdfa7880 <_ZN5SkCpu20CacheRuntimeFeaturesEv+44> mrs x9, id_aa6│

Fortunately that's a known problem with a patch

==3786== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3786==    at 0xF535478: core:tr::drop_in_place<std::collections::HashMap<rkv::backend::impl_safe::database:atabaseImpl,rkv::backend::impl_safe::snapshot::Snapshot>> (in /usr/local/lib/firefox/l
==3786== Process terminating with default action of signal 10 (SIGBUS): dumping core
==3786==  Invalid address alignment at address 0x0
==3786==    at 0xF535478: core:tr::drop_in_place<std::collections::HashMap<rkv::backend::impl_safe::database:atabaseImpl,rkv::backend::impl_safe::snapshot::Snapshot>> (in /usr/local/lib/firefox/l

Then I tried running firefox under gdb and the GUI opened.